Maxim Ryzhii
Maxim Ryzhii
S. Associate Professor, University of Aizu
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Negative dynamic conductivity of graphene with optical pumping
V Ryzhii, M Ryzhii, T Otsuji
Journal of Applied Physics 101 (8), 2007
Graphene-based devices in terahertz science and technology
T Otsuji, SAB Tombet, A Satou, H Fukidome, M Suemitsu, E Sano, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 45 (30), 303001, 2012
Toward the creation of terahertz graphene injection laser
V Ryzhii, M Ryzhii, V Mitin, T Otsuji
Journal of Applied Physics 110 (9), 2011
Feasibility of terahertz lasing in optically pumped epitaxial multiple graphene layer structures
V Ryzhii, M Ryzhii, A Satou, T Otsuji, AA Dubinov, VY Aleshkin
Journal of Applied Physics 106 (8), 2009
Injection and population inversion in electrically induced p–n junction in graphene with split gates
M Ryzhii, V Ryzhii
Japanese journal of applied physics 46 (3L), L151, 2007
Emission and detection of terahertz radiation using two-dimensional electrons in III–V semiconductors and graphene
T Otsuji, T Watanabe, SAB Tombet, A Satou, WM Knap, VV Popov, ...
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 3 (1), 63-71, 2013
Graphene bilayer field-effect phototransistor for terahertz and infrared detection
V Ryzhii, M Ryzhii
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (24), 245311, 2009
Terahertz laser with optically pumped graphene layers and Fabri–Perot resonator
AA Dubinov, VY Aleshkin, M Ryzhii, T Otsuji, V Ryzhii
Applied physics express 2 (9), 092301, 2009
Double graphene-layer plasma resonances terahertz detector
V Ryzhii, T Otsuji, M Ryzhii, MS Shur
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 45 (30), 302001, 2012
Comparison of dark current, responsivity and detectivity in different intersubband infrared photodetectors
V Ryzhii, I Khmyrova, M Ryzhii, V Mitin
Semiconductor Science and Technology 19 (1), 8, 2003
Terahertz and infrared photodetection using pin multiple-graphene-layer structures
V Ryzhii, M Ryzhii, V Mitin, T Otsuji
Journal of Applied Physics 107 (5), 2010
Device model for graphene nanoribbon phototransistor
V Ryzhii, V Mitin, M Ryzhii, N Ryabova, T Otsuji
Applied physics express 1 (6), 063002, 2008
Terahertz-Wave Generation Using Graphene: Toward New Types of Terahertz Lasers
T Otsuji, S Boubanga Tombet, A Satou, M Ryzhii, V Ryzhii
Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of 19 (1), 8400209, 2013
Effect of Heating and Cooling of Photogenerated Electron-Hole Plasma in Optically Pumped Graphene on Population Inversion
V Ryzhii, M Ryzhii, V Mitin, A Satou, T Otsuji
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 50 (9), 2011
Terahertz and infrared photodetectors based on multiple graphene layer and nanoribbon structures
V Ryzhii, N Ryabova, M Ryzhii, N Baryshnikov, V Karasik, V Mitin, T Otsuji
Opto-Electronics Review 20 (1), 15-25, 2012
Characteristics of a terahertz photomixer based on a high-electron mobility transistor structure with optical input through the ungated regions
A Satou, V Ryzhii, I Khmyrova, M Ryzhii, MS Shur
Journal of applied physics 95 (4), 2084-2089, 2004
Current-voltage characteristics of a graphene-nanoribbon field-effect transistor
V Ryzhii, M Ryzhii, A Satou, T Otsuji
Journal of Applied Physics 103 (9), 2008
Terahertz light-emitting graphene-channel transistor toward single-mode lasing
D Yadav, G Tamamushi, T Watanabe, J Mitsushio, Y Tobah, K Sugawara, ...
Graphene-Based Terahertz Electronics and Plasmonics, 645-670, 2020
Injection terahertz laser using the resonant inter-layer radiative transitions in double-graphene-layer structure
V Ryzhii, AA Dubinov, VY Aleshkin, M Ryzhii, T Otsuji
Applied Physics Letters 103 (16), 2013
Cardiac conduction model for generating 12 lead ECG signals with realistic heart rate dynamics
MA Quiroz-Juarez, O Jimenez-Ramirez, R Vazquez-Medina, E Ryzhii, ...
IEEE transactions on nanobioscience 17 (4), 525-532, 2018
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Articles 1–20