N V Suresh Kumar
N V Suresh Kumar
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology
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A theoretical study on interaction of proline with gold cluster
S Rai, NV Suresh Kumar, H Singh
Bulletin of Materials Science 35, 291-295, 2012
Peptidomimetics with tunable tertiary amide bond containing substituted β-proline and β-homoproline
S Basu, PS Kandiyal, VSK Neelamraju, H Singh, RS Ampapathi, ...
Tetrahedron 70 (6), 1169-1175, 2014
Effect of ZnO nanoparticles on structure and magnetic properties of Bi2O3-B2O3: Cr2O3 glasses
LS Rao, S Hussain, A Navalika, KA Prabha, NVS Kumar, BC Rao
Materials Today: Proceedings 92, 886-891, 2023
Influence of the number, nature and position of methyl posttranscriptional modifications on nucleobase stacking in RNA
D Kagra, AS Mahmi, NVS Kumar, PS Prabhakar, P Sharma
ChemPhysChem 22 (15), 1622-1630, 2021
An APT charge based descriptor for atomic level description of chemical Raman enhancement by adsorption of 4-Mercaptopyridine on semiconducting nanaoclusters: A theoretical study
NVS Kumar, H Singh
Vibrational Spectroscopy 107, 103019, 2020
Density Functional Theory Based Study on Cis–Trans Isomerism of the Amide Bond in Homodimers of β2,3- and β3-Substituted Homoproline
NV Suresh Kumar, H Singh
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 118 (11), 2120-2137, 2014
Preferential mode of cyclization of tetrahydrofuran amino acids containing peptides: some theoretical insights
NVS Kumar, P Sharma, H Singh, D Koley, S Roy, TK Chakraborty
Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry 23 (3), 238-245, 2010
Theoretical insights into interaction energy, IR intensity and Raman activity enhancements of H2O adsorbed on Mg containing Zn3O3 nanoclusters: A computational study
LSR N. V. Suresh Kumar*
J. Comput. Theor. Chem. 2022, 1212, 11, 0
Theoretical and experimental studies on solubility and reactivity behavior of lysergol, elymoclavine, and dihydrolysergol
M Rohilla, N Goel, TV Singh, P Venugopalan, NVS Kumar, K Tewari
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 113 (10), 1427-1435, 2013
Surface enhanced Raman scattering of neutral and zwitterionic α-and β-Proline monomers adsorbed on Au3 cluster: A DFT study
NVS Kumar
Vibrational Spectroscopy 98, 15-21, 2018
Preferential heterochiral cyclic trimerization of 5-(aminoethyl)-2-furancarboxylic acid (AEFC) driven by non-covalent interactions
NVS Kumar, H Singh, KK Pulukuri, TK Chakraborty
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 38, 13-25, 2012
Stereochemical control in the structures of linear δ,α‐hybrid tripeptides containing tetrahydrofuran amino acids
TK Chakraborty, NVS Kumar, S Roy, SK Dutta, AC Kunwar, B Sridhar, ...
Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry 24 (8), 720-731, 2011
Mg-Containing Zn3O3 Structures for Detection of CO2: A DFT Study on CHEM Effects of SERS and Electronic Properties
LSR N V Suresh Kumar, Sitansh Sharma
J. Phys. Chem. A, 2023
A DFT study on the role of long range correlation interaction and solvent effects in homochiral and heterochiral cyclic trimerization of imidazole based heterocyclic amino acids
NVS Kumar
Journal of molecular modeling 22, 1-7, 2016
Anomalous electrical relaxation and polaron conduction in nano-crystalline Mn0. 5Zn0. 5Fe2O4
NS Kumar, TS Shahid, G Govindaraj
AIP Conference Proceedings 1665 (1), 2015
Inter-versus intra-molecular cyclization of tripeptides containing tetrahydrofuran amino acids: a density functional theory study on kinetic control
NVS Kumar, UD Priyakumar, H Singh, S Roy, TK Chakraborty
Journal of molecular modeling 18, 3181-3197, 2012
Photoluminescence Characteristics Of ZnMgO Nanoparticles For Tunable visible Light And White Light Devices
SR Linganaboina, VR Tumu, VSK Neelamraju
Journal of Optics, 1-8, 2024
IEEE Summer School on Nanotechnology [Column]
C Thirmal, NVS Kumar, G Suresh, K Chakravarthula, YP Sai, ...
IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine 18 (1), 6-11, 2024
Algebraic method for approximate solution of scattering of surface waves by thin vertical barrier over a stepped bottom topography
SC Martha, D Goyal, N Kumar
Numerical Modelling of Plastic Behaviour and Temperature Distribution During FSW Process
N Kumar, MZ Ansari, H Singh
Recent Advances in Manufacturing Modelling and Optimization: Select …, 2022
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Articles 1–20