Zsuzsanna Fagyal
Cited by
Cited by
French: A Linguistic Introduction
Z Fagyal
Cambridge University Press, 2006
Centers and peripheries: Network roles in language change
Z Fagyal, S Swarup, AM Escobar, L Gasser, K Lakkaraju
Lingua 120 (8), 2061-2079, 2010
Comparing Single and Double Sayings of the German Response Token ja and the Role of Prosody: A Conversation Analytic Perspective
A Golato, Z Fagyal
Research on language and social interaction 41 (3), 241-270, 2008
Accents de banlieue: aspects prosodiques du fran-cais populaire en contact avec les langues de l'immigration
Z Fagyal
l'Harmattan, 2010
Acoustic aspects of vowel harmony in French
N Nguyen, Z Fagyal
Journal of Phonetics 36 (1), 1-27, 2008
La prosodie du français populaire des jeunes: traits héréditaires et novateurs
Z Fagyal
Le français aujourd’hui 143 (4), 45-55, 2003
Action des médias et interactions entre jeunes dans une banlieue ouvriere de Paris: Remarques sur l’innovation lexicale
Z Fagyal
Cahiers de sociolinguistique, 41-60, 2004
Sound change and articulatory release: where and why are high vowels devoiced in Parisian French
Z Fagyal, C Moisset
Proc. of the 14th ICPhS, 309-312, 1999
Rhythm types and the speech of working-class youth in a banlieue of Paris: the role of vowel elision and devoicing
Z Fagyal
A reader in sociophonetics, 91-132, 2010
Prosodic consequences of being a Beur: French in contact with immigrant languages in Paris
Z Fagyal
Selected papers from NWAV 32, 91-104, 2005
Prosodic boundaries in the vicinity of utterance-medial parentheticals in French
Z Fagyal
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 14 (1), 93-111, 2002
Phonemic length and pre-boundary lengthening: an experimental investigation on the use of durational cues in Hungarian
BA Hockey, Z Fagyal
14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Berkeley, University of …, 1999
Le retour du e final en français parisien: changement phonétique conditionné par la prosodie
Z Fagyal
Vivacité et diversité de la variation linguistique 3, 151-160, 2000
From dilation to coarticulation: is there vowel harmony in French?
Z Fagyal, N Nguyen, PB De Mareüil
Studies in the Linguistic Sciences 32 (2), 1-21, 2003
Chanting intonation in French
Z Fagyal
The matter with the penultimate: Prosodic change in the vernacular of lower-class immigrant youth in Paris
Z Fagyal
Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 1, 671-674, 2003
Pre-boundary lengthening: Universal or language-specific? The case of Hungarian
BA Hockey, Z Fagyal
Working Papers in Linguistics (University of Pennsylvania) 5 (1), 71-82, 1998
Engueulade ou énumération? Attitudes envers quelques énoncés enregistrés dans les «banlieues»
C Stewart, Z Fagyal
Bertucci, M.-M. et Houdart-Merot, V.(éd.) Situations de banlieues …, 2005
Prosodic style-shifting in preadolescent peer-group interactions in a working-class suburb of Paris
Z Fagyal, C Stewart
Ethnic styles of speaking in European metropolitan areas, 75-99, 2011
L’accent des banlieues
Z Fagyal
Etudes phonétiques du rythme du français parisien en contact avec les …, 2010
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Articles 1–20