A. Cristiano I. Malossi
A. Cristiano I. Malossi
Principal Research Scientist and Manager @ IBM Research - Zurich
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Cited by
BAGAN: Data Augmentation with Balancing GAN
G Mariani, F Scheidegger, R Istrate, C Bekas, C Malossi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.09655, 2018
An extreme-scale implicit solver for complex PDEs: highly heterogeneous flow in earth's mantle
J Rudi, ACI Malossi, T Isaac, G Stadler, M Gurnis, PWJ Staar, Y Ineichen, ...
Proceedings of the international conference for high performance computing …, 2015
The transprecision computing paradigm: Concept, design, and applications
ACI Malossi, M Schaffner, A Molnos, L Gammaitoni, G Tagliavini, ...
2018 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE …, 2018
TAPAS: Train-Less Accuracy Predictor for Architecture Search
R Istrate, F Scheidegger, G Mariani, D Nikolopoulos, C Bekas, ...
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018
Efficient image dataset classification difficulty estimation for predicting deep-learning accuracy
F Scheidegger, R Istrate, G Mariani, L Benini, C Bekas, C Malossi
The Visual Computer 37 (6), 1593-1610, 2021
Implicit coupling of one-dimensional and three-dimensional blood flow models with compliant vessels
ACI Malossi, PJ Blanco, P Crosetto, S Deparis, A Quarteroni
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 11 (2), 474-506, 2013
A two-level time step technique for the partitioned solution of one-dimensional arterial networks
ACI Malossi, PJ Blanco, S Deparis
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 237, 212-226, 2012
Algorithms for the partitioned solution of weakly coupled fluid models for cardiovascular flows
ACI Malossi, PJ Blanco, S Deparis, A Quarteroni
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 27 (12 …, 2011
Incremental Training of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
R Istrate, ACI Malossi, C Bekas, D Nikolopoulos
International Workshop on Automatic Selection, Configuration and Composition …, 2017
Numerical simulation of left ventricular assist device implantations: comparing the ascending and the descending aorta cannulations
J Bonnemain, ACI Malossi, M Lesinigo, S Deparis, A Quarteroni, ...
Medical engineering & physics 35 (10), 1465--1475, 2013
Fast, energy-efficient exponential computations in simd architectures
K Bekas, A Curioni, Y Ineichen, ACI Malossi
US Patent App. 14/745,499, 2016
Changing computing paradigms towards power efficiency
P Klavík, ACI Malossi, C Bekas, A Curioni
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2014
FloatX: A C++ Library for Customized Floating-Point Arithmetic
G Flegar, F Scheidegger, V Novaković, G Mariani, AE Tomás, ACI Malossi, ...
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 45 (4), 1-23, 2019
Pagan: Portfolio analysis with generative adversarial networks
G Mariani, Y Zhu, J Li, F Scheidegger, R Istrate, C Bekas, ACI Malossi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.10578, 2019
Fast Exponential Computation on SIMD Architectures
ACI Malossi, Y Ineichen, C Bekas, A Curioni
HiPEAC 2015 - 1st Workshop On Approximate Computing (WAPCO), 2015
Partitioned Solution of Geometrical Multiscale Problems for the Cardiovascular System: Models, Algorithms, and Applications
ACI Malossi, A Quarteroni, S Deparis
École Politecnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 2012
Constrained deep neural network architecture search for IoT devices accounting for hardware calibration
F Scheidegger, L Benini, C Bekas, ACI Malossi
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32, 2019
On the continuity of mean total normal stress in geometrical multiscale cardiovascular problems
PJ Blanco, S Deparis, ACI Malossi
Journal of Computational Physics 251, 136-155, 2013
A scalable iterative dense linear system solver for multiple right-hand sides in data analytics
V Kalantzis, ACI Malossi, C Bekas, A Curioni, E Gallopoulos, Y Saad
Parallel Computing 74, 136-153, 2018
torcpy: Supporting task parallelism in Python
PE Hadjidoukas, A Bartezzaghi, F Scheidegger, R Istrate, C Bekas, ...
SoftwareX 12, 100517, 2020
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Articles 1–20