Hugo Cable
Hugo Cable
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The classical-quantum boundary for correlations:<? format?> Discord and related measures
K Modi, A Brodutch, H Cable, T Paterek, V Vedral
Reviews of Modern Physics 84 (4), 1655-1707, 2012
Fusion-based quantum computation
S Bartolucci, P Birchall, H Bombin, H Cable, C Dawson, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 912, 2023
Quantum correlations in mixed-state metrology
K Modi, H Cable, M Williamson, V Vedral
Physical Review X 1 (2), 021022, 2011
Efficient Generation of Large Number-Path Entanglement<? format?> Using Only Linear Optics and Feed-Forward
H Cable, JP Dowling
Physical review letters 99 (16), 163604, 2007
Absorption spectroscopy at the ultimate quantum limit from single-photon states
R Whittaker, C Erven, A Neville, M Berry, JL O’Brien, H Cable, ...
New Journal of Physics 19 (2), 023013, 2017
Towards practical quantum metrology with photon counting
JCF Matthews, XQ Zhou, H Cable, PJ Shadbolt, DJ Saunders, GA Durkin, ...
npj Quantum Information 2 (1), 1-7, 2016
Sub-shot-noise transmission measurement enabled by active feed-forward of heralded single photons
J Sabines-Chesterking, R Whittaker, SK Joshi, PM Birchall, PA Moreau, ...
Physical Review Applied 8 (1), 014016, 2017
Parameter estimation with entangled photons produced by parametric down-conversion
H Cable, GA Durkin
Physical review letters 105 (1), 013603, 2010
Experimental sub-Rayleigh resolution by an unseeded high-gain optical parametric amplifier for quantum lithography
F Sciarrino, C Vitelli, F De Martini, R Glasser, H Cable, JP Dowling
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77 (1), 012324, 2008
Relative multiplexing for minimising switching in linear-optical quantum computing
M Gimeno-Segovia, H Cable, GJ Mendoza, P Shadbolt, JW Silverstone, ...
New Journal of Physics 19 (6), 063013, 2017
Entanglement-seeded, dual, optical parametric amplification: applications to quantum imaging and metrology
RT Glasser, H Cable, JP Dowling, F De Martini, F Sciarrino, C Vitelli
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 78 (1), 012339, 2008
Quantum-enhanced tomography of unitary processes
XQ Zhou, H Cable, R Whittaker, P Shadbolt, JL O’Brien, JCF Matthews
Optica 2 (6), 510-516, 2015
Quantum processing by remote quantum control
X Qiang, X Zhou, K Aungskunsiri, H Cable, JL O’Brien
Quantum Science and Technology 2 (4), 045002, 2017
Measurement-induced localization of relative degrees of freedom
H Cable, PL Knight, T Rudolph
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 71 (4), 042107, 2005
Physical-depth architectural requirements for generating universal photonic cluster states
S Morley-Short, S Bartolucci, M Gimeno-Segovia, P Shadbolt, H Cable, ...
Quantum Science and Technology 3 (1), 015005, 2017
Quantum states of light produced by a high-gain optical parametric amplifier for use in quantum lithography
GS Agarwal, KW Chan, RW Boyd, H Cable, JP Dowling
JOSA B 24 (2), 270-274, 2007
Quantum optical metrology of correlated phase and loss
PM Birchall, EJ Allen, TM Stace, JL O’Brien, JCF Matthews, H Cable
Physical review letters 124 (14), 140501, 2020
Loss-tolerant teleportation on large stabilizer states
S Morley-Short, M Gimeno-Segovia, T Rudolph, H Cable
Quantum Science and Technology 4 (2), 025014, 2019
Quantum-classical boundary for precision optical phase estimation
PM Birchall, JL O'Brien, JCF Matthews, H Cable
Physical Review A 96 (6), 062109, 2017
Power of one bit of quantum information in quantum metrology
H Cable, M Gu, K Modi
Physical Review A 93 (4), 040304, 2016
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Articles 1–20