Cheng Yang
Cited by
Cited by
Graph neural networks: A review of methods and applications
J Zhou, G Cui, S Hu, Z Zhang, C Yang, Z Liu, L Wang, C Li, M Sun
AI open 1, 57-81, 2020
Network representation learning with rich text information
C Yang, Z Liu, D Zhao, M Sun, E Chang
Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2015
Communicative agents for software development
C Qian, X Cong, C Yang, W Chen, Y Su, J Xu, Z Liu, M Sun
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.07924 6, 3, 2023
Adaptive graph encoder for attributed graph embedding
G Cui, J Zhou, C Yang, Z Liu
Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2020
GEAR: Graph-based Evidence Aggregating and Reasoning for Fact Verification
J Zhou, X Han, C Yang, Z Liu, L Wang, C Li, M Sun
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.01843, 2019
Agentverse: Facilitating multi-agent collaboration and exploring emergent behaviors
W Chen, Y Su, J Zuo, C Yang, C Yuan, CM Chan, H Yu, Y Lu, YH Hung, ...
The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations, 2023
Graph neural news recommendation with long-term and short-term interest modeling
L Hu, C Li, C Shi, C Yang, C Shao
Information Processing & Management 57 (2), 102142, 2020
A neural network approach to jointly modeling social networks and mobile trajectories
C Yang, M Sun, WX Zhao, Z Liu, EY Chang
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 35 (4), 1-28, 2017
Fast network embedding enhancement via high order proximity approximation.
C Yang, M Sun, Z Liu, C Tu
IJCAI 17, 3894-3900, 2017
CED: Credible early detection of social media rumors
C Song, C Yang, H Chen, C Tu, Z Liu, M Sun
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 33 (8), 3035-3047, 2019
Graph neural news recommendation with unsupervised preference disentanglement
L Hu, S Xu, C Li, C Yang, C Shi, N Duan, X Xie, M Zhou
Proceedings of the 58th annual meeting of the association for computational …, 2020
Extract the knowledge of graph neural networks and go beyond it: An effective knowledge distillation framework
C Yang, J Liu, C Shi
Proceedings of the web conference 2021, 1227-1237, 2021
Full-Scale Information Diffusion Prediction With Reinforced Recurrent Networks
C Yang, H Wang, J Tang, C Shi, M Sun, G Cui, Z Liu
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2021
Be confident! towards trustworthy graph neural networks via confidence calibration
X Wang, H Liu, C Shi, C Yang
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 23768-23779, 2021
涂存超, 杨成, 刘知远, 孙茂松
科学通报 43, 1681, 2017
Real-time topic-aware influence maximization using preprocessing
W Chen, T Lin, C Yang
Computational social networks 3, 1-19, 2016
Neural diffusion model for microscopic cascade study
C Yang, M Sun, H Liu, S Han, Z Liu, H Luan
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 33 (3), 1128-1139, 2019
Towards graph foundation models: A survey and beyond
J Liu, C Yang, Z Lu, J Chen, Y Li, M Zhang, T Bai, Y Fang, L Sun, PS Yu, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.11829, 2023
Improving distantly-supervised relation extraction with joint label embedding
L Hu, L Zhang, C Shi, L Nie, W Guan, C Yang
Proceedings of the 2019 conference on empirical methods in natural language …, 2019
Zero-shot cross-lingual neural headline generation
S Shen, Y Chen, C Yang, Z Liu, M Sun
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 26 (12 …, 2018
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Articles 1–20