J. Roberto Sánchez-Reina
J. Roberto Sánchez-Reina
Other namesORCID: 0000-0002-6068-1229
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Cited by
Cited by
Challenging social media threats using collective well-being-aware recommendation algorithms and an educational virtual companion
D Ognibene, R Wilkens, D Taibi, D Hernández-Leo, U Kruschwitz, ...
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 5, 654930, 2023
Narrative scripts embedded in social media towards empowering digital and self-protection skills
D Hernández-Leo, E Theophilou, R Lobo, R Sánchez-Reina, D Ognibene
Technology-Enhanced Learning for a Free, Safe, and Sustainable World: 16th …, 2021
Comunicación de la salud en la campaña “Chécate, mídete, muévete”. Representaciones y eficacia|| Health Communication in the Campaign" Chécate, Mídete, Muévete …
JR Sánchez-Reina, C Brito-Fuentes
Razón y Palabra 20 (3_94), 640-656, 2016
The COVID-19 infodemic among young people and adults: The support of critical media literacy
JR Sánchez Reina, EF González-Lara
Comunicar. 2022; 30 (73): 11 p., 2022
AI and narrative scripts to educate adolescents about social media algorithms: insights about AI overdependence, trust and awareness
E Theophilou, F Lomonaco, G Donabauer, D Ognibene, ...
European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, 415-429, 2023
Learning gains in pyramid computer-supported collaboration scripts: factors and implications for design
I Amarasinghe, D Hernández-Leo, E Theophilou, ...
Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing: 27th International …, 2021
The effect of a group awareness tool in synchronous online discussions: studying participation, quality and balance
E Theophilou, R Sanchez-Reina, D Hernandez-Leo, V Odakura, ...
Behaviour & Information Technology 43 (6), 1149-1163, 2024
The power of beauty or the tyranny of algorithms. How do teens understand body image on instagram?
JR Sánchez Reina, E Theophilou, D Hernández Leo, P Medina Bravo
Castillo-Abdul B, García-Prieto V, editors. Prosumidores emergentes: redes …, 2021
I love my body" the representations of body image in television advertising and the child audience
JRS Reina
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2020
Manual de codificación para el análisis de anuncios publicitarios
E Añaños Carrasco, JR Sánchez Reina, P Medina Bravo, ...
Investigación-acción en el marco de un proyecto de alfabetización publicitaria para niños y niñas en España
JR Sánchez-Reina
Onteaiken Boletín sobre prácticas y estudios de acción colectiva, 34-44, 2020
Body satisfaction and screen media usage in Spanish schoolchildren
JR Sánchez-Reina, M Jiménez-Morales, M Montaña-Blasco
Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación 14 (1), 295-305, 2023
Intrinsic motivation for social media literacy, a look into the narrative scripts
R Lobo-Quintero, R Sánchez-Reina, E Theophilou, D Hernández-Leo
International Workshop on Higher Education Learning Methodologies and …, 2022
Body Grammars in advertising to young children
JR Sánchez Reina
Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios sobre Cuerpos, Emociones y Sociedad …, 2020
Evaluating an adaptive intervention in collaboration scripts deconstructing body image narratives in a social media educational platform
R Lobo-Quintero, E Theophilou, R Sánchez-Reina, D Hernández-Leo
International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing …, 2022
Effects of Debriefing in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Pyramid Scripts with Open-Ended Task
V Odakura, I Amarasinghe, D Hernández-Leo, R Sánchez-Reina, ...
International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing …, 2022
Actitudes sobre la edición de imágenes en redes sociales y su etiquetado: un posible preventivo
A Rodríguez Rementería, JR Sánchez Reina, E Theophilou, ...
Agudelo OL, de Benito B, Darder A, Moreno J, Munar J, Negre F, Pérez A …, 2022
Using Learning Design Technologies for Teachers’ Practice-Driven Research
SRJR Beardsley Marc, Hernandez-Leo Davinia
31st International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2023),, 892-897, 2023
Empirically investigating virtual learning companions to enhance social media literacy
E Theophilou, V Schwarze, J Börsting, R Sánchez-Reina, L Scifo, ...
International Workshop on Higher Education Learning Methodologies and …, 2022
"But i don't wanna share my data'. Analyzing teen's concerns about the use of social media”
JR Sánchez-Reina, D Hernández-Leo, E Theophilou, R Lobo-Quintero
IAMCR 2022 Conference. Communication Research in the Era of Neo …, 2022
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Articles 1–20