Miguel A. Monclus
Miguel A. Monclus
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The use of the PeakForceTM quantitative nanomechanical mapping AFM-based method for high-resolution Young's modulus measurement of polymers
TJ Young, MA Monclus, TL Burnett, WR Broughton, SL Ogin, PA Smith
Measurement Science and Technology 22 (12), 125703, 2011
Tribomechanical properties of hard Cr-doped DLC coatings deposited by low-frequency HiPIMS
JA Santiago, I Fernández-Martínez, JC Sánchez-López, TC Rojas, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 382, 124899, 2020
Effect of solute content and temperature on the deformation mechanisms and critical resolved shear stress in Mg-Al and Mg-Zn alloys
JY Wang, N Li, R Alizadeh, MA Monclús, YW Cui, JM Molina-Aldareguía, ...
Acta Materialia 170, 155-165, 2019
Deformation behavior of a high strength multiphase steel at macro-and micro-scales
I de Diego-Calderón, MJ Santofimia, JM Molina-Aldareguia, MA Monclús, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 611, 201-211, 2014
Global and local deformation behavior and mechanical properties of individual phases in a quenched and partitioned steel
I de Diego-Calderón, D De Knijf, MA Monclús, JM Molina-Aldareguia, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 630, 27-35, 2015
AFM indentation method used for elastic modulus characterization of interfaces and thin layers
MA Monclus, TJ Young, D Di Maio
Journal of Materials Science 45, 3190-3197, 2010
The influence of positive pulses on HiPIMS deposition of hard DLC coatings
JA Santiago, I Fernández-Martínez, T Kozák, J Capek, A Wennberg, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 358, 43-49, 2019
Enhanced strain rate sensitivity of Zr-based bulk metallic glasses subjected to high pressure torsion
EV Boltynjuk, DV Gunderov, EV Ubyivovk, MA Monclús, LW Yang, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 747, 595-602, 2018
Adhesion enhancement of DLC hard coatings by HiPIMS metal ion etching pretreatment
JA Santiago, I Fernández-Martínez, A Wennberg, JM Molina-Aldareguia, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 349, 787-796, 2018
Microstructure and mechanical properties of physical vapor deposited Cu/W nanoscale multilayers: Influence of layer thickness and temperature
MA Monclús, M Karlik, M Callisti, E Frutos, J LLorca, T Polcar, ...
Thin Solid Films 571, 275-282, 2014
Optimum high temperature strength of two-dimensional nanocomposites
MA Monclús, SJ Zheng, JR Mayeur, IJ Beyerlein, NA Mara, T Polcar, ...
APL Materials 1 (5), 2013
Solid solution and precipitation strengthening effects in basal slip, extension twinning and pyramidal slip in Mg-Zn alloys
N Li, C Wang, MA Monclús, L Yang, JM Molina-Aldareguia
Acta Materialia 221, 117374, 2021
Hard and superhard TiAlBN coatings deposited by twin electron-beam evaporation
C Rebholz, MA Monclus, MA Baker, PH Mayrhofer, PN Gibson, A Leyland, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 201 (13), 6078-6083, 2007
Deformation mechanism map of Cu/Nb nanoscale metallic multilayers as a function of temperature and layer thickness
J Snel, MA Monclús, M Castillo-Rodriguez, N Mara, IJ Beyerlein, J Llorca, ...
Jom 69, 2214-2226, 2017
Single-imprint moth-eye anti-reflective and self-cleaning film with enhanced resistance
I Navarro-Baena, A Jacobo-Martín, JJ Hernández, JRC Smirnov, F Viela, ...
Nanoscale 10 (33), 15496-15504, 2018
Deformation mechanisms of basal slip, twinning and non-basal slips in Mg–Y alloy by micropillar compression
N Li, L Yang, C Wang, MA Monclús, D Shi, JM Molina-Aldareguía
Materials Science and Engineering: A 819, 141408, 2021
Electrical properties of reactively sputtered CNx films
MA Monclus, DC Cameron, A Chowdhurry
Thin Solid Films 341 (1-2), 94-100, 1999
The use of refractive index as a measure of diamond-like carbon film quality
DP Dowling, K Donnelly, M Monclus, M McGuinness
Diamond and related materials 7 (2-5), 432-434, 1998
Selective oxidation-induced strengthening of Zr/Nb nanoscale multilayers
MA Monclús, M Callisti, T Polcar, LW Yang, J Llorca, ...
Acta Materialia 122, 1-10, 2017
Nanoindentation of Amorphous Carbon: a combined experimental and simulation approach
FJ Valencia, J Santiago, RI González, R González-Arrabal, C Ruestes, ...
Acta Materialia 203, 116485, 2021
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Articles 1–20