Bilal Haider
Bilal Haider
Georgia Tech & Emory University, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
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Neocortical network activity in vivo is generated through a dynamic balance of excitation and inhibition
B Haider, A Duque, AR Hasenstaub, DA McCormick
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (17), 4535-4545, 2006
Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials carry synchronized frequency information in active cortical networks
A Hasenstaub, Y Shu, B Haider, U Kraushaar, A Duque, DA McCormick
Neuron 47 (3), 423-435, 2005
Inhibition dominates sensory responses in the awake cortex
B Haider, M Häusser, M Carandini
Nature 493 (7430), 97-100, 2013
Rapid neocortical dynamics: cellular and network mechanisms
B Haider, DA McCormick
Neuron 62 (2), 171-189, 2009
Synaptic and network mechanisms of sparse and reliable visual cortical activity during nonclassical receptive field stimulation
B Haider, MR Krause, A Duque, Y Yu, J Touryan, JA Mazer, ...
Neuron 65 (1), 107-121, 2010
Properties of action-potential initiation in neocortical pyramidal cells: evidence from whole cell axon recordings
Y Shu, A Duque, Y Yu, B Haider, DA McCormick
Journal of neurophysiology 97 (1), 746-760, 2007
Subcortical source and modulation of the narrowband gamma oscillation in mouse visual cortex
AB Saleem, AD Lien, M Krumin, B Haider, MR Roson, A Ayaz, K Reinhold, ...
Neuron 93 (2), 315-322, 2017
Enhancement of visual responsiveness by spontaneous local network activity in vivo
B Haider, A Duque, AR Hasenstaub, Y Yu, DA McCormick
Journal of neurophysiology 97 (6), 4186-4202, 2007
Millisecond coupling of local field potentials to synaptic currents in the awake visual cortex
B Haider, DPA Schulz, M Häusser, M Carandini
Neuron 90 (1), 35-42, 2016
An excitatory basis for divisive normalization in visual cortex
TK Sato, B Haider, M Häusser, M Carandini
Nature neuroscience 19 (4), 568-570, 2016
Cortical state fluctuations across layers of V1 during visual spatial perception
A Speed, J Del Rosario, CP Burgess, B Haider
Cell reports 26 (11), 2868-2874. e3, 2019
Spatial attention enhances network, cellular and subthreshold responses in mouse visual cortex
A Speed, J Del Rosario, N Mikail, B Haider
Nature communications 11 (1), 505, 2020
Autonomous patch-clamp robot for functional characterization of neurons in vivo: development and application to mouse visual cortex
GL Holst, W Stoy, B Yang, I Kolb, SB Kodandaramaiah, L Li, U Knoblich, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 121 (6), 2341-2357, 2019
Spatial modulation of dark versus bright stimulus responses in the mouse visual system
B Williams, J Del Rosario, T Muzzu, K Peelman, S Coletta, EK Bichler, ...
Current Biology 31 (18), 4172-4179. e6, 2021
Thalamic bursting and the role of timing and synchrony in thalamocortical signaling in the awake mouse
PY Borden, NC Wright, AE Morrissette, D Jaeger, B Haider, GB Stanley
Neuron 110 (17), 2836-2853. e8, 2022
Probing mechanisms of visual spatial attention in mice
A Speed, B Haider
Trends in neurosciences 44 (10), 822-836, 2021
Diminished Cortical Excitation and Elevated Inhibition During Perceptual Impairments in a Mouse Model of Autism
J Del Rosario, A Speed, H Arrowood, C Motz, M Pardue, B Haider
Cerebral Cortex 31 (7), 3462-3474, 2021
Narrowband gamma oscillations propagate and synchronize throughout the mouse thalamocortical visual system
D Shin, K Peelman, AD Lien, J Del Rosario, B Haider
Neuron 111 (7), 1076-1085. e8, 2023
Optimizing intact skull intrinsic signal imaging for subsequent targeted electrophysiology across mouse visual cortex
A Nsiangani, J Del Rosario, AC Yeh, D Shin, S Wells, T Lev-Ari, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 2063, 2022
Contributions of Yale neuroscience to Donald O. Hebb’s organization of behavior
B Haider
The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine 81 (1), 11, 2008
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Articles 1–20