Jongbum Kim
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Cited by
Oxides and nitrides as alternative plasmonic materials in the optical range
GV Naik, J Kim, A Boltasseva
Optical materials express 1 (6), 1090-1099, 2011
Enhanced Nonlinear Refractive Index in -Near-Zero Materials
L Caspani, RPM Kaipurath, M Clerici, M Ferrera, T Roger, J Kim, N Kinsey, ...
Physical review letters 116 (23), 233901, 2016
Epsilon-near-zero Al-doped ZnO for ultrafast switching at telecom wavelengths
N Kinsey, C DeVault, J Kim, M Ferrera, VM Shalaev, A Boltasseva
Optica 2 (7), 616-622, 2015
Role of epsilon-near-zero substrates in the optical response of plasmonic antennas
J Kim, A Dutta, GV Naik, AJ Giles, FJ Bezares, CT Ellis, JG Tischler, ...
Optica 3 (3), 339-346, 2016
Plasmonic resonances in nanostructured transparent conducting oxide films
J Kim, GV Naik, NK Emani, U Guler, A Boltasseva
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 19 (3), 4601907-4601907, 2013
Roadmap on optical metamaterials
AM Urbas, Z Jacob, L Dal Negro, N Engheta, AD Boardman, P Egan, ...
Journal of Optics 18 (9), 093005, 2016
Optical properties of gallium-doped zinc oxide—a low-loss plasmonic material: first-principles theory and experiment
J Kim, GV Naik, AV Gavrilenko, K Dondapati, VI Gavrilenko, SM Prokes, ...
Physical Review X 3 (4), 041037, 2013
Controlling hybrid nonlinearities in transparent conducting oxides via two-colour excitation
M Clerici, N Kinsey, C DeVault, J Kim, EG Carnemolla, L Caspani, ...
Nature communications 8, ncomms15829, 2017
Evolution of Metallicity in Vanadium Dioxide by Creation of Oxygen Vacancies
Z Zhang, F Zuo, C Wan, A Dutta, J Kim, J Rensberg, R Nawrodt, HH Park, ...
Physical Review Applied 7 (3), 034008, 2017
Ultrathin and multicolour optical cavities with embedded metasurfaces
AM Shaltout, J Kim, A Boltasseva, VM Shalaev, AV Kildishev
Nature communications 9 (1), 2673, 2018
Adiabatic frequency shifting in epsilon-near-zero materials: the role of group velocity
JB Khurgin, M Clerici, V Bruno, L Caspani, C DeVault, J Kim, A Shaltout, ...
Optica 7 (3), 226-231, 2020
Controlling the polarization state of light with plasmonic metal oxide metasurface
J Kim, S Choudhury, C DeVault, Y Zhao, AV Kildishev, VM Shalaev, A Alù, ...
ACS Nano 10 (10), 9326–9333, 2016
Dynamic control of nanocavities with tunable metal oxides
J Kim, EG Carnemolla, C DeVault, AM Shaltout, D Faccio, VM Shalaev, ...
Nano letters 18 (2), 740-746, 2018
Ultrabroadband terahertz conductivity of highly doped ZnO and ITO
T Wang, M Zalkovskij, K Iwaszczuk, AV Lavrinenko, GV Naik, J Kim, ...
Optical Materials Express 5 (3), 566-575, 2015
Plasmonic titanium nitride nanostructures via nitridation of nanopatterned titanium dioxide
U Guler, D Zemlyanov, J Kim, Z Wang, R Chandrasekar, X Meng, E Stach, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 5 (7), 1600717, 2017
Zinc oxide based plasmonic multilayer resonator: Localized and gap surface plasmon in the infrared
J Kim, A Dutta, B Memarzadeh, AV Kildishev, H Mosallaei, A Boltasseva
ACS Photonics 2 (8), 1224-1230, 2015
Development of optical metasurfaces: emerging concepts and new materials
AM Shaltout, N Kinsey, J Kim, R Chandrasekar, JC Ndukaife, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 104 (12), 2270-2287, 2016
Suppression of near-field coupling in plasmonic antennas on epsilon-near-zero substrates
CT DeVault, VA Zenin, A Pors, K Chaudhuri, J Kim, A Boltasseva, ...
Optica 5 (12), 1557-1563, 2018
Alternative plasmonic materials
G Naik, J Kim, N Kinsey, A Boltasseva
Handbook of Surface Science 4, 189-221, 2014
Near-perfect absorption throughout the visible using ultra-thin metal films on index-near-zero substrates
LJ Krayer, J Kim, JN Munday
Optical Materials Express 9 (1), 330-338, 2018
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Articles 1–20