Vincent B C Tan
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Cited by
Large-scale synthesis and field emission properties of vertically oriented CuO nanowire films
YW Zhu, T Yu, FC Cheong, XJ Xu, CT Lim, VBC Tan, JTL Thong, CH Sow
Nanotechnology 16 (1), 88, 2004
Cellulose aerogel from paper waste for crude oil spill cleaning
ST Nguyen, J Feng, NT Le, ATT Le, N Hoang, VBC Tan, HM Duong
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 52 (51), 18386-18391, 2013
Timoshenko beam model for vibration analysis of multi-walled carbon nanotubes
CM Wang, VBC Tan, YY Zhang
Journal of Sound and Vibration 294 (4-5), 1060-1072, 2006
Strengthening fabric armour with silica colloidal suspensions
VBC Tan, TE Tay, WK Teo
International journal of solids and structures 42 (5-6), 1561-1576, 2005
Modelling deformation and damage characteristics of woven fabric under small projectile impact
VPW Shim, VBC Tan, TE Tay
International Journal of Impact Engineering 16 (4), 585-605, 1995
Advanced thermal insulation and absorption properties of recycled cellulose aerogels
ST Nguyen, J Feng, SK Ng, JPW Wong, VBC Tan, HM Duong
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 445, 128-134, 2014
Progressive failure analysis of composites
TE Tay, G Liu, VBC Tan, XS Sun, DC Pham
Journal of Composite Materials 42 (18), 1921-1966, 2008
Perforation of high-strength fabric by projectiles of different geometry
VBC Tan, CT Lim, CH Cheong
International Journal of Impact Engineering 28 (2), 207-222, 2003
Ballistic impact of a KEVLARŪ helmet: Experiment and simulations
CY Tham, VBC Tan, HP Lee
International Journal of Impact Engineering 35 (5), 304-318, 2008
One-dimensional iron− cyclopentadienyl sandwich molecular wire with half metallic, negative differential resistance and high-spin filter efficiency properties
L Zhou, SW Yang, MF Ng, MB Sullivan, Tan, L Shen
Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (12), 4023-4027, 2008
Modelling inter‐yarn friction in woven fabric armour
XS Zeng, VBC Tan, VPW Shim
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 66 (8), 1309-1330, 2006
Traction–separation laws for progressive failure of bonded scarf repair of composite panel
M Ridha, VBC Tan, TE Tay
Composite structures 93 (4), 1239-1245, 2011
Perforation of high-strength double-ply fabric system by varying shaped projectiles
CT Lim, VBC Tan, CH Cheong
International Journal of Impact Engineering 27 (6), 577-591, 2002
Assessment of Timoshenko beam models for vibrational behavior of single-walled carbon nanotubes using molecular dynamics
YY Zhang, CM Wang, VBC Tan
Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 1 (1), 89-106, 2009
Theoretical investigation of silicon nanowires: Methodology, geometry, surface modification, and electrical conductivity using a multiscale approach
MF Ng, L Zhou, SW Yang, LY Sim, VBC Tan, P Wu
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (15), 155435, 2007
On cohesive element parameters and delamination modelling
X Lu, M Ridha, BY Chen, VBC Tan, TE Tay
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 206, 278-296, 2019
Modelling crimp in woven fabrics subjected to ballistic impact
VBC Tan, VPW Shim, X Zeng
International journal of impact engineering 32 (1-4), 561-574, 2005
Damage progression by the element-failure method (EFM) and strain invariant failure theory (SIFT)
TE Tay, SHN Tan, VBC Tan, JH Gosse
Composites science and technology 65 (6), 935-944, 2005
Crystallinity and surface effects on Young’s modulus of CuO nanowires
EPS Tan, Y Zhu, T Yu, L Dai, CH Sow, VBC Tan, CT Lim
Applied physics letters 90 (16), 2007
Characterization and constitutive modeling of aramid fibers at high strain rates
VBC Tan, XS Zeng, VPW Shim
International Journal of Impact Engineering 35 (11), 1303-1313, 2008
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Articles 1–20