Meghan Dowling
Cited by
Cited by
SMT versus NMT: Preliminary comparisons for Irish
M Dowling, T Lynn, A Poncelas, A Way
Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA), 2018
Is all that glitters in MT quality estimation really gold standard?
Y Graham, T Baldwin, M Dowling, M Eskevich, T Lynn, L Tounsi
Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2016
Tapadóir: Developing a Statistical Machine Translation Engine and Associated Resources for Irish
M Dowling, L Cassidy, E Maguire, T Lynn, A Srivastava, J Judge
The 4th LRL Workshop: Language Technologies in support of Less-Resourced …, 2015
English to Irish Machine Translation with Automatic Post-Editing
M Dowling, T Lynn, Y Graham, J Judge
Second Celtic Language Technology Workshop, 2016
A human evaluation of English-Irish statistical and neural machine translation
M Dowling, S Castilho, J Moorkens, T Lynn, A Way
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the European Association for …, 2020
Adapting NMT to caption translation in Wikimedia Commons for low-resource languages
A Poncelas, K Sarasola, M Dowling, A Way, G Labaka, I Alegria
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 63, 33-40, 2019
Investigating backtranslation for the improvement of English-Irish machine translation
M Dowling, T Lynn, A Way
Teanga 26, 1-25, 2019
Leveraging backtranslation to improve machine translation for Gaelic language
M Dowling, T Lynn, A Way
ACL Anthology, 2019
A Crowd-sourcing Approach for Translations of Minority Language User-Generated Content (UGC)
M Dowling, T Lynn, A Way
First workshop on Social Media and User Generated Content Machine Translation, 2017
An investigation of English-Irish machine translation and associated resources
M Dowling
Dublin City University, 2022
Improving full-text search results on dúchas. ie using language technology
BÓ Raghallaigh, K Scannell, M Dowling
Proceedings of the Celtic Language Technology Workshop, 63-69, 2019
Adaptando NMT a la traducción de pies de imagen en Wikimedia Commons para idiomas con pocos recursos
G Labaka Intxauspe, I Alegría Loinaz, A Poncelas, K Sarasola Gabiola, ...
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural 63, 33-40, 2019
Is all that glitters in machine translation quality estimation really gold?
Y Graham, T Baldwin, M Dowling, M Eskevich, T Lynn, L Tounsi
Proceedings of COLING 2016, the 26th International Conference on …, 2016
Tapadóir: Developing a Statistical Machine Translation Engine and Associated
M Dowling, L Cassidy, E Maguire, T Lynn, A Srivastava, J Judge
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Articles 1–14