Tracie Farrell
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Cited by
Exploring misogyny across the manosphere in reddit
T Farrell, M Fernandez, J Novotny, H Alani
Proceedings of the 10th ACM conference on web science, 87-96, 2019
On the use of Jargon and Word Embeddings to Explore Subculture within the Reddit’s Manosphere
T Farrell, O Araque, M Fernandez, H Alani
Proceedings of the 12th ACM conference on web science, 221-230, 2020
Co-spread of misinformation and fact-checking content during the Covid-19 pandemic
G Burel, T Farrell, M Mensio, P Khare, H Alani
Social Informatics: 12th International Conference, SocInfo 2020, Pisa, Italy …, 2020
Demographics and topics impact on the co-spread of COVID-19 misinformation and fact-checks on Twitter
G Burel, T Farrell, H Alani
Information Processing & Management 58 (6), 102732, 2021
Misogynoir: challenges in detecting intersectional hate
J Kwarteng, SC Perfumi, T Farrell, A Third, M Fernandez
Social Network Analysis and Mining 12 (1), 166, 2022
Vindication, virtue, and vitriol: A study of online engagement and abuse toward British MPs during the COVID-19 pandemic
T Farrell, G Gorrell, K Bontcheva
Journal of Computational Social Science 3, 401-443, 2020
Challenging misinformation: exploring limits and approaches
LSG Piccolo, S Joshi, E Karapanos, T Farrell
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2019: 17th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2019
Decentralized learning infrastructures for community knowledge building
P de Lange, B Göschlberger, T Farrell, AT Neumann, R Klamma
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 13 (3), 516-529, 2019
“We’re Seeking Relevance”: Qualitative Perspectives on the Impact of Learning Analytics on Teaching and Learning
T Farrell, A Mikroyannidis, H Alani
Data Driven Approaches in Digital Education: 12th European Conference on …, 2017
Mediating learning with learning analytics technology: guidelines for practice
T Farrell, H Alani, A Mikroyannidis
Teaching in Higher Education 29 (6), 1500-1520, 2024
Misogynoir: public online response towards self-reported misogynoir
J Kwarteng, SC Perfumi, T Farrell, M Fernandez
Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE/ACM international conference on advances in …, 2021
A microservice infrastructure for distributed communities of practice
P de Lange, B Göschlberger, T Farrell, R Klamma
Lifelong Technology-Enhanced Learning: 13th European Conference on …, 2018
The experience of health professionals with misinformation and its impact on their job practice: Qualitative interview study
N Ismail, D Kbaier, T Farrell, A Kane
JMIR formative research 6 (11), e38794, 2022
Agents for fighting misinformation spread on Twitter: design challenges
L Piccolo, AC Blackwood, T Farrell, M Mensio
Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, 1-7, 2021
Pathway to a human-values based approach to tackle misinformation online
LSG Piccolo, A Puska, R Pereira, T Farrell
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 510-522, 2020
Exploring Misogyny across the Manosphere in Reddit. WebSci'19 Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Web Science,(pp. 87–96)
T Farrell, M Fernandez, J Novotny, H Alani
Understanding the role of human values in the spread of misinformation
T Farrell, L Piccolo, SC Perfumi, H Alani
MisinfoMe: A Tool for Longitudinal Assessment of Twitter Accounts’ Sharing of Misinformation
M Mensio, G Burel, T Farrell, H Alani
Adjunct Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation …, 2023
Opinions, intentions, freedom of expression,..., and other human aspects of misinformation online
LSG Piccolo, D Bertel, T Farrell, P Troullinou
Extended abstracts of the 2021 CHI conference on human factors in computing …, 2021
Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Representing metacognition with question-based dialogue
T Farrell Frey, G Gkotsis, A Mikroyannidis
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1736, 51-58, 2016
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Articles 1–20