Hyungkee Young Baek
Hyungkee Young Baek
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Systematic risk of the multinational corporation
DM Reeb, CCY Kwok, HY Baek
Journal of International Business Studies 29, 263-279, 1998
Managerial ownership, corporate governance, and voluntary disclosure
HY Baek, DR Johnson, JW Kim
Journal of Business and Economic Studies 15 (2), 44, 2009
Family ownership, control and corporate capital structure: An examination of small capitalization public firms
HY Baek, DD Cho, PL Fazio
Journal of Family Business Management 6 (2), 169-185, 2016
Executive compensation and corporate production efficiency: A stochastic frontier approach
HY Baek, JA Pagan
Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, 27-41, 2002
Are female executives more risk-averse than male executives?
Z Iqbal, S O, HY Baek
Atlantic Economic Journal 34, 63-74, 2006
Foreign exchange rates and the corporate choice of foreign entry mode
HY Baek, CCY Kwok
International Review of Economics & Finance 11 (2), 207-227, 2002
Corporate diversification and performance: evidence on production efficiency
HY Baek
Journal of Multinational Financial Management 14 (2), 135-152, 2004
Parent‐Affilate agency conflicts and foreign entry mode choice
H Young Baek
Multinational Business Review 11 (2), 75-98, 2003
Motives for and effects of asset revaluation: An examination of South Korean data
HY Baek, DY Lee
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 52 (12), 2808-2817, 2016
Board composition and firm performance of large Latin American firms: An exploratory view
M Santiago-Castro, HY Baek
Latin American Business Review 4 (2), 1-19, 2004
Key drivers of guanxi in China among Taiwanese small to medium-sized firms
LY Huang, HY Baek, S Min
International Business Research 3 (1), 136-146, 2010
Family firm succession and performance
HY Baek, D Cho
Applied Economics Letters 24 (2), 117-121, 2017
Management earnings forecasts and adverse selection cost: good vs bad news forecast
H Young Baek, DK Kim, JW Kim
International Journal of Accounting & Information Management 16 (1), 62-73, 2008
The effect of family ownership and control on equity-based compensation: Evidence from S&P SmallCap firms
HY Baek, PL Fazio
Journal of Family Business Management 5 (1), 55-72, 2015
International involvement and production efficiency among startup firms
HY Baek, F Neymotin
Global Economic Review 45 (1), 42-62, 2016
The effects of agency problems on the stability of the international joint venture
H Young Baek, S Min, S Ryu
Multinational Business Review 14 (3), 53-70, 2006
Young startup firm exports and productive efficiency
HY Baek, F Neymotin
Applied Economics Letters 23 (15), 1088-1092, 2016
Does improved governance lead to a higher share of FDI in foreign equity investments?
HY Baek, PK Maskara, LS Miller
Asia‐Pacific Journal of Financial Studies 48 (4), 561-586, 2019
Incentive-based compensation and economic value added
HY Baek, JW Kim
Journal of Accounting and Finance Research 10 (1), 1, 2002
Entrepreneurial overconfidence and firm survival: an analysis using the Kauffman firm survey
HY Baek, F Neymotin
Applied Economics Letters 25 (16), 1175-1178, 2018
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Articles 1–20