Carlos E. Tonn
Carlos E. Tonn
Ex-Professor of Organic Chemistry (UNSL) - Ex- Member of Scientific Research Career (CONICET)
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Toxic and repellent effects of Baccharis salicifolia essential oil on Tribolium castaneum
M García, OJ Donadel, CE Ardanaz, CE Tonn, ME Sosa
Pest Management Science: formerly Pesticide Science 61 (6), 612-618, 2005
Anti-ulcerogenic activity of xanthanolide sesquiterpenes from Xanthium cavanillesii in rats
LS Favier, AOM María, GH Wendel, EJ Borkowski, OS Giordano, L Pelzer, ...
Journal of ethnopharmacology 100 (3), 260-267, 2005
Insecticidal and antifeedant effects of Junellia aspera (Verbenaceae) triterpenes and derivatives on Sitophilus oryzae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
CR Pungitore, M García, JC Gianello, ME Sosa, CE Tonn
Journal of stored products research 41 (4), 433-443, 2005
Insecticidal effects of Flourensia oolepis Blake (Asteraceae) essential oil
M García, A Gonzalez-Coloma, OJ Donadel, CE Ardanaz, CE Tonn, ...
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 35 (4), 181-187, 2007
Structure− Antifeedant Activity Relationship of Clerodane Diterpenoids. Comparative Study with Withanolides and Azadirachtin
RD Enriz, HA Baldoni, MA Zamora, EA Jáuregui, ME Sosa, CE Tonn, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 48 (4), 1384-1392, 2000
Clerodane diterpenes from Baccharis sagittalis: insect antifeedant activity
DA Cifuente, EJ Borkowski, ME Sosa, JC Gianello, OS Giordano, ...
Phytochemistry 61 (8), 899-905, 2002
Insect Growth Regulatory Effects of Linear Diterpenoids and Derivatives from Baccharis thymifolia
VE Juan Hikawczuk, JR Saad, OS Giordano, C García, T Martín, ...
Journal of natural products 71 (2), 190-194, 2008
Insect antifeedant activity of clerodane diterpenoids
ME Sosa, CE Tonn, OS Giordano
Journal of Natural Products 57 (9), 1262-1265, 1994
Electrooxidation mechanism of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug piroxicam at glassy carbon electrode
AAJ Torriero, CE Tonn, L Sereno, J Raba
Journal of electroanalytical chemistry 588 (2), 218-225, 2006
Iridoids As Allelochemicals and DNA Polymerase Inhibitors
CR Pungitore, MJ Ayub, M García, EJ Borkowski, ME Sosa, G Ciuffo, ...
Journal of natural products 67 (3), 357-361, 2004
Novel antiproliferative analogs of the Taq DNA polymerase inhibitor catalpol
CR Pungitore, LG León, C García, VS Martín, CE Tonn, JM Padrón
Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 17 (5), 1332-1335, 2007
Icetexane and abietane diterpenoids from Salvia gilliessi
M Nieto, EE Garcı́a, OS Giordano, CE Tonn
Phytochemistry 53 (8), 911-915, 2000
The trypanocidal effect of sesquiterpene lactones helenalin and mexicanin on cultured epimastigotes
V Jimenez-Ortiz, SD Brengio, O Giordano, C Tonn, M Sánchez, ...
Journal of Parasitology 91 (1), 170-174, 2005
Plant secondary metabolites from Argentinean semiarid lands: bioactivity against insects
ME Sosa, CE Tonn
Phytochemistry Reviews 7, 3-24, 2008
Antifeedant/insecticidal terpenes from Asteraceae and Labiatae species native to Argentinean semi-arid lands
A González-Coloma, A Guadaño, CE Tonn, ME Sosa
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C 60 (11-12), 855-861, 2005
A novel icetexane diterpene, 5-epi-icetexone from Salvia gilliessi is active against Trypanosoma cruzi
AM Sanchez, V Jimenez-Ortiz, T Sartor, CE Tonn, EE García, M Nieto, ...
Acta tropica 98 (2), 118-124, 2006
Anti-inflammatory activity of acetophenones from Ophryosporus axilliflorus
L Favier, C Tonn, E Guerreiro, A Rotelli, L Pelzer
Planta medica 64 (07), 657-659, 1998
Antifungal activity in vitro and in vivo of extracts and lignans isolated from Larrea divaricata Cav. against phytopathogenic fungus
V Vogt, D Cifuente, C Tonn, L Sabini, S Rosas
Industrial crops and products 42, 583-586, 2013
Insecticidal and nematicidal essential oils from Argentinean Eupatorium and Baccharis spp.
ME Sosa, HG Lancelle, CE Tonn, MF Andres, A Gonzalez-Coloma
Biochemical systematics and ecology 43, 132-138, 2012
Novel anti-ulcer α, β-unsaturated lactones inhibit compound 48/80-induced mast cell degranulation
AB Penissi, ME Vera, ML Mariani, MI Rudolph, JP Ceñal, JC de Rosas, ...
European journal of pharmacology 612 (1-3), 122-130, 2009
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Articles 1–20