William E Hart
William E Hart
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Cited by
Automated docking using a Lamarckian genetic algorithm and an empirical binding free energy function
GM Morris, DS Goodsell, RS Halliday, R Huey, WE Hart, RK Belew, ...
Journal of computational chemistry 19 (14), 1639-1662, 1998
Pyomo-optimization modeling in python
WE Hart, CD Laird, JP Watson, DL Woodruff, GA Hackebeil, BL Nicholson, ...
Springer 67, 277, 2017
Pyomo: modeling and solving mathematical programs in Python
WE Hart, JP Watson, DL Woodruff
Mathematical Programming Computation 3, 219-260, 2011
The battle of the water sensor networks (BWSN): A design challenge for engineers and algorithms
A Ostfeld, JG Uber, E Salomons, JW Berry, WE Hart, CA Phillips, ...
Journal of water resources planning and management 134 (6), 556-568, 2008
Pyomo-optimization modeling in python
ML Bynum, GA Hackebeil, WE Hart, CD Laird, BL Nicholson, JD Siirola, ...
Springer 67 (s 32), 2021
Adaptive global optimization with local search
WE Hart
University of California, San Diego, 1994
Measurement and classification of retinal vascular tortuosity
WE Hart, M Goldbaum, B Côté, P Kube, MR Nelson
International journal of medical informatics 53 (2-3), 239-252, 1999
Sensor placement in municipal water networks
JW Berry, L Fleischer, WE Hart, CA Phillips, JP Watson
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 131 (3), 237-243, 2005
Sensor placement in municipal water networks with temporal integer programming models
J Berry, WE Hart, CA Phillips, JG Uber, JP Watson
Journal of water resources planning and management 132 (4), 218-224, 2006
Recent advances in memetic algorithms
WE Hart, N Krasnogor, JE Smith
Springer, 2006
Review of sensor placement strategies for contamination warning systems in drinking water distribution systems
WE Hart, R Murray
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 136 (6), 611-619, 2010
Protein structure prediction with evolutionary algorithms
WE Hart, N Krasnogor, DA Pelta, J Smith
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Sandia …, 1999
Fast protein folding in the hydrophobic-hydrophilic model within three-eights of optimal
WE Hart, S Istrail
Proceedings of the twenty-seventh annual ACM symposium on Theory of …, 1995
Robust proofs of NP-hardness for protein folding: general lattices and energy potentials
WE Hart, S Istrail
Journal of Computational Biology 4 (1), 1-22, 1997
PySP: modeling and solving stochastic programs in Python
JP Watson, DL Woodruff, WE Hart
Mathematical Programming Computation 4, 109-149, 2012
Opportunities for combinatorial optimization in computational biology
HJ Greenberg, WE Hart, G Lancia
INFORMS Journal on Computing 16 (3), 211-231, 2004
A multiple-objective analysis of sensor placement optimization in water networks
JP Watson, HJ Greenberg, WE Hart
Critical transitions in water and environmental resources management, 1-10, 2004
Memetic evolutionary algorithms
WE Hart, N Krasnogor, JE Smith
Recent advances in memetic algorithms, 3-27, 2005
PICO: An object-oriented framework for parallel branch and bound
J Eckstein, CA Phillips, WE Hart
Studies in Computational Mathematics 8, 219-265, 2001
Optimising an Arbitrary Function is Hard for the Genetic Algorithm.
WE Hart, RK Belew
ICGA 91, 191-195, 1991
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Articles 1–20