Yan Lin Aung
Cited by
Cited by
Reconfigurable smart water quality monitoring system in IoT environment
CZ Myint, L Gopal, YL Aung
2017 IEEE/ACIS 16th international conference on computer and information …, 2017
HADES-IoT: A practical host-based anomaly detection system for IoT devices
D Breitenbacher, I Homoliak, YL Aung, NO Tippenhauer, Y Elovici
Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Asia conference on computer and communications …, 2019
Smart air quality monitoring system with LoRaWAN
MY Thu, W Htun, YL Aung, PEE Shwe, NM Tun
2018 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence …, 2018
WSN-based reconfigurable water quality monitoring system in IoT environment
CZ Myint, L Gopal, YL Aung
2017 14th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics …, 2017
Detection of threats to IoT devices using scalable VPN-forwarded honeypots
A Tambe, YL Aung, R Sridharan, M Ochoa, NO Tippenhauer, A Shabtai, ...
Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and …, 2019
HADES-IoT: A practical and effective host-based anomaly detection system for IoT devices (extended version)
D Breitenbacher, I Homoliak, YL Aung, Y Elovici, NO Tippenhauer
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (12), 9640-9658, 2021
Automatic vehicle license plate recognition system for smart transportation
NH Lin, YL Aung, WK Khaing
2018 IEEE international conference on internet of things and intelligence …, 2018
Hardware performance counters based runtime anomaly detection using SVM
MFB Abbas, SP Kadiyala, A Prakash, T Srikanthan, YL Aung
2017 TRON Symposium (TRONSHOW), 1-9, 2017
Real-Time Image Resizing Hardware Accelerator for Object Detection Algorithms
G Mishra, YL Aung, M Wu, SK Lam, T Srikanthan
4th International Symposium on Electronic System Design, 98-102, 2013
Scalable VPN-forwarded honeypots: Dataset and threat intelligence insights
YL Aung, HH Tiang, H Wijaya, M Ochoa, J Zhou
Sixth Annual Industrial Control System Security (ICSS) Workshop, 21-30, 2020
C-based design methodology for FPGA implementation of clustalW MSA
Y Aung, D Maskell, T Oliver, B Schmidt, W Bong
Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics, 11-18, 2007
Compiler-assisted technique for rapid performance estimation of FPGA-based processors
YL Aung, SK Lam, T Srikanthan
2011 IEEE International SOC Conference, 341-346, 2011
Rapid estimation of DSPs utilization for efficient high-level synthesis
YL Aung, SK Lam, T Srikanthan
2015 IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 1261-1265, 2015
Performance estimation framework for FPGA-based processors
YL Aung, SK Lam, T Srikanthan
2010 International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology, 413-416, 2010
Rapid design exploration framework for realizing custom computing systems on FPGAs
YL Aung
KnapSim - Run-time efficient hardware-software partitioning technique for FPGAs
K Garg, YL Aung, SK Lam, T Srikanthan
System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC), 2015 28th IEEE International, 64-69, 2015
Hardware-Software Codesign of EKF-based Motor Control for Domain-Specific Reconfigurable Platform
YL Aung, SK Lam, T Srikanthan
4th International Symposium on Electronic System Design, 93-97, 2013
PAID: Perturbed Image Attacks Analysis and Intrusion Detection Mechanism for Autonomous Driving Systems
KZ Teng, T Limbasiya, F Turrin, YL Aung, S Chattopadhyay, J Zhou, ...
Proceedings of the 9th ACM Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop, 3-13, 2023
ATLAS: A Practical Attack Detection and Live Malware Analysis System for IoT Threat Intelligence
YL Aung, M Ochoa, J Zhou
International Conference on Information Security, 319-338, 2022
A Multi-Paradigm Approach to Teaching Students Embedded Systems Design using FPGAs and CPLDs
DC Dyer, YL Aung
FPGAWorld 2014, 2014
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Articles 1–20