Vanessa Frias-Martinez
Vanessa Frias-Martinez
Associate Professor, College of Information and UMIACS, University of Maryland
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Cited by
Characterizing urban landscapes using geolocated tweets
V Frias-Martinez, V Soto, H Hohwald, E Frias-Martinez
2012 International conference on privacy, security, risk and trust and 2012 …, 2012
An agent-based model of epidemic spread using human mobility and social network information
E Frias-Martinez, G Williamson, V Frias-Martinez
2011 IEEE third international conference on privacy, security, risk and …, 2011
Spectral clustering for sensing urban land use using Twitter activity
V Frias-Martinez, E Frias-Martinez
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 35, 237-245, 2014
Prediction of socioeconomic levels using cell phone records
V Soto, V Frias-Martinez, J Virseda, E Frias-Martinez
User Modeling, Adaption and Personalization: 19th International Conference …, 2011
On the relationship between socio-economic factors and cell phone usage
V Frias-Martinez, J Virseda
Proceedings of the fifth international conference on information and …, 2012
Estimation of urban commuting patterns using cellphone network data
V Frias-Martinez, C Soguero, E Frias-Martinez
Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD international workshop on urban computing, 9-16, 2012
Characterizing Dense Urban Areas from Mobile Phone-Call Data: Discovery and Social Dynamics
MR Vieira, V Frias-Martinez, N Oliver, E Frias-Martinez
Social Computing (SocialCom), 2010 IEEE Second International Conference on …, 2010
Fermi's Sibyl: Mining the gamma-ray sky for dark matter subhaloes
N Mirabal, V Frías-Martinez, T Hassan, E Frías-Martinez
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 424 (1), L64-L68, 2012
Analyzing the role of dimension arrangement for data visualization in radviz
L Di Caro, V Frias-Martinez, E Frias-Martinez
Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 125-132, 2010
Flooding through the lens of mobile phone activity
D Pastor-Escuredo, A Morales-Guzmán, Y Torres-Fernández, JM Bauer, ...
IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2014), 279-286, 2014
A gender-centric analysis of calling behavior in a developing economy using call detail records
V Frias-Martinez, E Frias-Martinez, N Oliver
2010 AAAI Spring Symposium Series, 2010
Information needs and communication gaps between citizens and local governments online during natural disasters
L Hong, C Fu, J Wu, V Frias-Martinez
Information Systems Frontiers 20, 1027-1039, 2018
Towards large scale technology impact analyses: Automatic residential localization from mobile phone-call data
V Frias-Martinez, J Virseda, A Rubio, E Frias-Martinez
Int. Conf. on Inf. & Comm. Technologies and Development (ICTD), UK, 2010
Methods, media, and systems for securing communications between a first node and a second node
SJ Stolfo, GF Ciocarlie, V Frias-Martinez, J Parekh, AD Keromytis, ...
US Patent 9,419,981, 2016
Exploring auction mechanisms for role assignment in teams of autonomous robots
V Frias-Martinez, E Sklar, S Parsons
RoboCup 2004: Robot Soccer World Cup VIII, 532-539, 2005
Forecasting socioeconomic trends with cell phone records
V Frias-Martinez, C Soguero-Ruiz, E Frias-Martinez, M Josephidou
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Symposium on Computing for Development, 1-10, 2013
Characterizing social response to urban earthquakes using cell-phone network data: the 2012 oaxaca earthquake
B Moumni, V Frias-Martinez, E Frias-Martinez
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing …, 2013
On the relation between socio-economic status and physical mobility
V Frias-Martinez, J Virseda-Jerez, E Frias-Martinez
Information Technology for Development 18 (2), 91-106, 2012
Identifying spatiotemporal urban activities through linguistic signatures
C Fu, G McKenzie, V Frias-Martinez, K Stewart
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 72, 25-37, 2018
A network access control mechanism based on behavior profiles
V Frias-Martinez, J Sherrick, SJ Stolfo, AD Keromytis
2009 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, 3-12, 2009
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Articles 1–20