Santhosh Kumaran
Santhosh Kumaran
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Method and apparatus for model-driven managed business services
S Bagchi, K Bhaskaran, S Fu, Y Huang, H Hu, AA Ivan, S Kapoor, ...
US Patent App. 11/333,065, 2007
Systems and methods for monitoring and controlling business level service level agreements
HY Chang, JJ Jeng, S Kumaran, H Li, LJ Zhang
US Patent 7,313,533, 2007
Artifact-centered operational modeling: Lessons from customer engagements
K Bhattacharya, NS Caswell, S Kumaran, A Nigam, FY Wu
IBM Systems Journal 46 (4), 703-721, 2007
On the duality of information-centric and activity-centric models of business processes
S Kumaran, R Liu, FY Wu
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 20th International Conference …, 2008
End-to-end business process solution creation
K Bhaskaran, S Buckley, N Caswell, HY Chang, J Frank, R Hauser, ...
US Patent App. 10/692,898, 2005
Conversation support for business process integration
JE Hanson, P Nandi, S Kumaran
Proceedings. Sixth International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing, 65-74, 2002
From business process model to consistent implementation: A case for formal verification methods
J Koehler, G Tirenni, S Kumaran
Proceedings. Sixth International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing, 96-106, 2002
Automatic generation of executable components from business process models
SB Kumaran, R Liu, FYF Wu
US Patent 8,340,999, 2012
A model-driven approach to industrializing discovery processes in pharmaceutical research
K Bhattacharya, R Guttman, K Lyman, FF Heath III, S Kumaran, P Nandi, ...
IBM Systems Journal 44 (1), 145-162, 2005
Method and apparatus for generating it level executable solution artifacts from the operational specification of a business
RF Hauser, S Kapoor, J Koehler, S Kumaran, FY Wu
US Patent 7,222,302, 2007
System and method for generating a business process integration and management (BPIM) solution
K Bhaskaran, Y Huang, S Kapoor, S Kumaran, P Nandi, Z Tian, J Wang, ...
US Patent App. 10/682,800, 2005
A model-driven transformation method
J Koehler, R Hauser, S Kapoor, FY Wu, S Kumaran
Seventh IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing …, 2003
Adaptive business objects: A new component model for business integration
P Nandi, S Kumaran
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2005
ADoc-oriented programming
S Kumaran, P Nandi, T Heath, K Bhaskaran, R Das
2003 Symposium on Applications and the Internet, 2003. Proceedings., 334-341, 2003
Model-driven synthesis of SOA solutions
JK Strosnider, P Nandi, S Kumaran, S Ghosh, A Arsnajani
IBM Systems Journal 47 (3), 415-432, 2008
Scheduling solutions for the paper industry
P Keskinocak, F Wu, R Goodwin, S Murthy, R Akkiraju, S Kumaran, ...
Operations Research 50 (2), 249-259, 2002
A-teams: An agent architecture for optimization and decision-support
J Rachlin, R Goodwin, S Murthy, R Akkiraju, F Wu, S Kumaran, R Das
Intelligent Agents V: Agents Theories, Architectures, and Languages: 5th …, 1999
Using a model-driven transformational approach and service-oriented architecture for service delivery management
S Kumaran, P Bishop, T Chao, P Dhoolia, P Jain, R Jaluka, H Ludwig, ...
IBM Systems Journal 46 (3), 513-529, 2007
System and mechanism to create autonomic business process solutions
K Bhattacharya, Y Huang, JJ Jeng, S Kapoor, S Kumaran, Y Li, A Nigam, ...
US Patent App. 10/706,040, 2005
Architecture for business process integration
TS Cheng, Y Huang, S Kumaran, A Rajasekharan, M Thomas, FY Wu, ...
US Patent 7,756,751, 2010
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Articles 1–20