Alexander Swinton McLeod
Cited by
Cited by
Gate-tuning of graphene plasmons revealed by infrared nano-imaging
Z Fei, AS Rodin, GO Andreev, W Bao, AS McLeod, M Wagner, LM Zhang, ...
Nature 487 (7405), 82-85, 2012
Tunable phonon polaritons in atomically thin van der Waals crystals of boron nitride
S Dai, Z Fei, Q Ma, AS Rodin, M Wagner, AS McLeod, MK Liu, W Gannett, ...
Science 343 (6175), 1125-1129, 2014
Infrared Nanoscopy of Dirac Plasmons at the Graphene–SiO2 Interface
Z Fei, GO Andreev, W Bao, LM Zhang, AS McLeod, C Wang, MK Stewart, ...
Nano letters 11 (11), 4701-4705, 2011
Fundamental limits to graphene plasmonics
GX Ni, AS McLeod, Z Sun, L Wang, L Xiong, KW Post, SS Sunku, ...
Nature 557 (7706), 530-533, 2018
Subdiffractional focusing and guiding of polaritonic rays in a natural hyperbolic material
S Dai, Q Ma, T Andersen, AS Mcleod, Z Fei, MK Liu, M Wagner, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 6963, 2015
Ultrafast optical switching of infrared plasmon polaritons in high-mobility graphene
GX Ni, L Wang, MD Goldflam, M Wagner, Z Fei, AS McLeod, MK Liu, ...
Nature Photonics 10 (4), 244-247, 2016
Photonic crystals for nano-light in moiré graphene superlattices
SS Sunku, GX Ni, BY Jiang, H Yoo, A Sternbach, AS McLeod, T Stauber, ...
Science 362 (6419), 1153-1156, 2018
Electronic and plasmonic phenomena at graphene grain boundaries
Z Fei, AS Rodin, W Gannett, S Dai, W Regan, M Wagner, MK Liu, ...
Nature nanotechnology 8 (11), 821-825, 2013
Nanotextured phase coexistence in the correlated insulator V2O3
AS McLeod, E Van Heumen, JG Ramirez, S Wang, T Saerbeck, S Guenon, ...
Nature Physics 13 (1), 80-86, 2017
Active optical metasurfaces based on defect-engineered phase-transition materials
J Rensberg, S Zhang, Y Zhou, AS McLeod, C Schwarz, M Goldflam, M Liu, ...
Nano letters 16 (2), 1050-1055, 2016
Ultrafast and nanoscale plasmonic phenomena in exfoliated graphene revealed by infrared pump–probe nanoscopy
M Wagner, Z Fei, AS McLeod, AS Rodin, W Bao, EG Iwinski, Z Zhao, ...
Nano letters 14 (2), 894-900, 2014
Edge and surface plasmons in graphene nanoribbons
Z Fei, MD Goldflam, JS Wu, S Dai, M Wagner, AS McLeod, MK Liu, ...
Nano letters 15 (12), 8271-8276, 2015
Model for quantitative tip-enhanced spectroscopy and the extraction of nanoscale-resolved optical constants
AS McLeod, P Kelly, MD Goldflam, Z Gainsforth, AJ Westphal, ...
Physical Review B 90 (8), 085136, 2014
Cyber-analytics: Modeling factors associated with healthcare data breaches
A McLeod, D Dolezel
Decision Support Systems 108, 57-68, 2018
Anisotropic Electronic State via Spontaneous Phase Separation in Strained<? format?> Vanadium Dioxide Films
MK Liu, M Wagner, E Abreu, S Kittiwatanakul, A McLeod, Z Fei, ...
Physical review letters 111 (9), 096602, 2013
Near-field spectroscopy of silicon dioxide thin films
LM Zhang, GO Andreev, Z Fei, AS McLeod, G Dominguez, M Thiemens, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (7), 075419, 2012
Ultrafast dynamics of surface plasmons in InAs by time-resolved infrared nanospectroscopy
M Wagner, AS McLeod, SJ Maddox, Z Fei, M Liu, RD Averitt, MM Fogler, ...
Nano letters 14 (8), 4529-4534, 2014
Do health information technology investments impact hospital financial performance and productivity?
T Wang, Y Wang, A McLeod
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 28, 1-13, 2018
Efficiency of launching highly confined polaritons by infrared light incident on a hyperbolic material
S Dai, Q Ma, Y Yang, J Rosenfeld, MD Goldflam, A McLeod, Z Sun, ...
Nano letters 17 (9), 5285-5290, 2017
Phase transition in bulk single crystals and thin films of by nanoscale infrared spectroscopy and imaging
M Liu, AJ Sternbach, M Wagner, TV Slusar, T Kong, SL Bud'ko, ...
Physical Review B 91 (24), 245155, 2015
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Articles 1–20