Gyorgy Korniss
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Cited by
Social consensus through the influence of committed minorities
J Xie, S Sreenivasan, G Korniss, W Zhang, C Lim, BK Szymanski
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (1 …, 2011
Dynamic phase transition, universality, and finite-size scaling in the two-dimensional kinetic Ising model in an oscillating field
G Korniss, CJ White, PA Rikvold, MA Novotny
Physical Review E 63 (1), 016120, 2000
Suppressing roughness of virtual times in parallel discrete-event simulations
G Korniss, MA Novotny, H Guclu, Z Toroczkai, PA Rikvold
Science 299 (5607), 677-679, 2003
Competition-Driven Network Dynamics: Emergence of a Scale-Free Leadership Structure<? format?> and Collective Efficiency
M Anghel, Z Toroczkai, KE Bassler, G Korniss
Physical review letters 92 (5), 058701, 2004
Absence of first-order transition and tricritical point in the dynamic phase diagram of a spatially extended bistable system in an oscillating field
G Korniss, PA Rikvold, MA Novotny
Physical Review E 66 (5), 056127, 2002
Threshold-limited spreading in social networks with multiple initiators
P Singh, S Sreenivasan, BK Szymanski, G Korniss
Scientific reports 3 (1), 2330, 2013
The naming game in social networks: community formation and consensus engineering
Q Lu, G Korniss, BK Szymanski
Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination 4 (2), 221-235, 2009
From massively parallel algorithms and fluctuating time horizons to nonequilibrium surface growth
G Korniss, Z Toroczkai, MA Novotny, PA Rikvold
Physical review letters 84 (6), 1351, 2000
Network Synchronization in a Noisy Environment with Time Delays:<? format?> Fundamental Limits and Trade-Offs
D Hunt, G Korniss, BK Szymanski
Physical review letters 105 (6), 068701, 2010
Evolution of opinions on social networks in the presence of competing committed groups
J Xie, J Emenheiser, M Kirby, S Sreenivasan, BK Szymanski, G Korniss
Arxiv preprint arXiv:1112.6414, 2011
Naming games in two-dimensional and small-world-connected random geometric networks
Q Lu, G Korniss, BK Szymanski
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 77 (1 …, 2008
Parallelization of a dynamic Monte Carlo algorithm: a partially rejection-free conservative approach
G Korniss, MA Novotny, PA Rikvold
Journal of Computational Physics 153 (2), 488-508, 1999
Synchronization in weighted uncorrelated complex networks in a noisy environment: Optimization and connections with transport efficiency
G Korniss
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75 (5 …, 2007
Minimum dominating sets in scale-free network ensembles
F Molnár, S Sreenivasan, BK Szymanski, G Korniss
Scientific reports 3 (1), 1736, 2013
Diffusion processes on power-law small-world networks
B Kozma, MB Hastings, G Korniss
Physical Review Letters 95 (1), 018701, 2005
Long-range order in a quasi one-dimensional non-equilibrium three-state lattice gas
G Korniss, B Schmittmann, RKP Zia
Europhysics Letters 45 (4), 431, 1999
The impact of heterogeneous thresholds on social contagion with multiple initiators
PD Karampourniotis, S Sreenivasan, BK Szymanski, G Korniss
PloS one 10 (11), e0143020, 2015
Accelerating consensus on coevolving networks: The effect of committed individuals
P Singh, S Sreenivasan, BK Szymanski, G Korniss
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (4 …, 2012
Spatial dynamics of invasion: the geometry of introduced species
G Korniss, T Caraco
Journal of Theoretical Biology 233 (1), 137-150, 2005
Roughness scaling for Edwards-Wilkinson relaxation in small-world networks
B Kozma, MB Hastings, G Korniss
Physical review letters 92 (10), 108701, 2004
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Articles 1–20