Nikolai Iorgov
Nikolai Iorgov
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Conformal field theory of Painlevé VI
O Gamayun, N Iorgov, O Lisovyy
Journal of High Energy Physics 2012 (10), 1-25, 2012
How instanton combinatorics solves Painlevé VI, V and IIIs
O Gamayun, N Iorgov, O Lisovyy
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46 (33), 335203, 2013
Isomonodromic tau-functions from Liouville conformal blocks
N Iorgov, O Lisovyy, J Teschner
Communications in Mathematical Physics 336, 671-694, 2015
Painlevé VI connection problem and monodromy of c= 1 conformal blocks
N Iorgov, O Lisovyy, Y Tykhyy
Journal of High Energy Physics 2013 (12), 1-27, 2013
Two-particle correlations from the q-Boson viewpoint
DV Anchishkin, AM Gavrilik, NZ Iorgov
The European Physical Journal A-Hadrons and Nuclei 7, 229-238, 2000
Form-factors in the Baxter–Bazhanov–Stroganov model II: Ising model on the finite lattice
G von Gehlen, N Iorgov, S Pakuliak, V Shadura, Y Tykhyy
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (9), 095003, 2008
The Baxter–Bazhanov–Stroganov model: separation of variables and the Baxter equation
G Von Gehlen, N Iorgov, S Pakuliak, V Shadura
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39 (23), 7257, 2006
q-Boson approach to multiparticle correlations
DV Anchishkin, AM Gavrilik, NZ Iorgov
Modern Physics Letters A 15 (26), 1637-1646, 2000
Higher-rank isomonodromic deformations and W-algebras
P Gavrylenko, N Iorgov, O Lisovyy
Letters in Mathematical Physics 110 (2), 327-364, 2020
Spin operator matrix elements in the quantum Ising chain: fermion approach
N Iorgov, V Shadura, Y Tykhyy
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2011 (02), P02028, 2011
Form-factors in the Baxter–Bazhanov–Stroganov model I: norms and matrix elements
G Von Gehlen, N Iorgov, S Pakuliak, V Shadura, Y Tykhyy
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40 (47), 14117, 2007
Classification theorem on irreducible representations of the q‐deformed algebra
NZ Iorgov, AU Klimyk
International journal of mathematics and mathematical sciences 2005 (2), 225-262, 2005
q-deformed algebras and their representations
AM Gavrilik, NZ Iorgov
arXiv preprint q-alg/9709036, 1997
The Nonstandard Deformation U'_q (so_n) For qa Root of Unity
NZ Iorgov, AU Klimyk
arXiv preprint math/0007105, 2000
The q-Laplace operator and q-harmonic polynomials on the quantum vector space
NZ Iorgov, AU Klimyk
Journal of Mathematical Physics 42 (3), 1326-1345, 2001
Effective free-fermionic form factors and the XY spin chain
O Gamayun, N Iorgov, Y Zhuravlev
SciPost Physics 10 (3), 070, 2021
Factorized finite-size Ising model spin matrix elements from separation of variables
G Von Gehlen, N Iorgov, S Pakuliak, V Shadura
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 42 (30), 304026, 2009
Nonclassical type representations of the q-deformed algebra U′ q (son)
NZ Iorgov, AU Klimyk
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 50 (1), 85-90, 2000
Quantum groups as flavor symmetries: account of nonpolynomial SU (3)-breaking effects in baryon masses
AM Gavrilik, NZ Iorgov
Укр. фіз. журн. 43 (12), 1526-1533, 1998
Painlevé functions and conformal blocks
N Iorgov, O Lisovyy, A Shchechkin, Y Tykhyy
Constructive Approximation 39, 255-272, 2014
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Articles 1–20