Peng Yan
Peng Yan
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Cited by
A variable structure control approach to active queue management for TCP with ECN
P Yan, Y Gao, H Ozbay
IEEE Transactions on control systems technology 13 (2), 203-215, 2005
Stability analysis of switched time delay systems
P Yan, H Özbay
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 47 (2), 936-949, 2008
A new model analysis approach for bridge-type amplifiers supporting nano-stage design
P Liu, P Yan
Mechanism and Machine Theory 99, 176-188, 2016
A Novel Statistical Time-Frequency Analysis for Rotating Machine Condition Monitoring
T Wang, G Lu, P Yan
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 67 (1), 531-541, 2019
Design and trajectory tracking control of a piezoelectric nano-manipulator with actuator saturations
P Liu, P Yan, H Özbay
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 111, 529-544, 2018
Robust adaptive backstepping control for piezoelectric nano-manipulating systems
Y Zhang, P Yan, Z Zhang
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 83, 130-148, 2017
Graph modeling of singular values for early fault detection and diagnosis of rolling element bearings
X Wen, G Lu, J Liu, P Yan
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 145, 106956, 2020
A novel bidirectional complementary-type inchworm actuator with parasitic motion based clamping
Y Wang, P Yan
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 134, 106360, 2019
Design and analysis of an X–Y parallel nanopositioner supporting large-stroke servomechanism
P Liu, P Yan, Z Zhang
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2015
Exploring strategies for closed-loop cavity flow control
M Samimy, M Debiasi, O Efe, H Ozbay, J Myatt, C Camphouse, ...
42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 576, 2004
Graph-based change detection for condition monitoring of rotating machines: Techniques for graph similarity
T Wang, G Lu, J Liu, P Yan
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 68 (3), 1034-1049, 2018
Multi-sensors based condition monitoring of rotary machines: An approach of multidimensional time-series analysis
T Wang, G Lu, P Yan
Measurement 134, 326-335, 2019
On switching H∞ controllers for a class of linear parameter varying systems
P Yan, H Özbay
Systems & control letters 56 (7-8), 504-511, 2007
Adaptive Extended State Observer Based Synergetic Control for a Long Stroke Compliant Micro Stage with Stress Stiffening
PY S. Lu, C. Tian
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2019
Unsupervised, efficient and scalable key-frame selection for automatic summarization of surveillance videos
G Lu, Y Zhou, X Li, P Yan
Multimedia Tools and Applications 76, 6309-6331, 2017
Experimental study of linear closed-loop control of subsonic cavity flow
P Yan, M Debiasi, X Yuan, J Little, H Ozbay, M Samimy
AIAA journal 44 (5), 929-938, 2006
Integration-Friendly, Chemically Stoichiometric BiFeO3 Films with a Piezoelectric Performance Challenging that of PZT
M Niu, H Zhu, Y Wang, J Yan, N Chen, P Yan, J Ouyang
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (30), 33899-33907, 2020
Large dynamic range tracking of an XY compliant nanomanipulator with cross-axis coupling reduction
Z Zhang, X Yang, P Yan
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 117, 757-770, 2019
Graph-based structural change detection for rotating machinery monitoring
G Lu, J Liu, P Yan
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 99, 73-82, 2018
Modeling and control of a novel X–Y parallel piezoelectric-actuator driven nanopositioner
P Liu, P Yan, Z Zhang, T Leng
ISA transactions 56, 145-154, 2015
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