Seungyoon Lee
Seungyoon Lee
Professor of Communication, Purdue University
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User acceptance of a digital library system in developing countries: An application of the Technology Acceptance Model
N Park, R Roman, S Lee, JE Chung
International journal of information management 29 (3), 196-209, 2009
The role of social capital, personal networks, and emergency responders in post-disaster recovery and resilience: a study of rural communities in Indiana
AM Sadri, SV Ukkusuri, S Lee, R Clawson, D Aldrich, MS Nelson, J Seipel, ...
Natural Hazards 90 (3), 1377-1406, 2018
College Students' Motivations for Facebook Use and Psychological Outcomes
N Park, S Lee
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 58 (4), 601-620, 2014
Network Environments and Well-Being: An Examination of Personal Network Structure, Social Capital, and Perceived Social Support
S Lee, JE Chung, N Park
Health communication 33 (1), 22-31, 2018
TimeMatrix: Analyzing temporal social networks using interactive matrix-based visualizations
JS Yi, N Elmqvist, S Lee
Intl. Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 26 (11-12), 1031-1051, 2010
The coevolution of multiplex communication networks in organizational communities
S Lee, P Monge
Journal of Communication 61 (4), 758-779, 2011
Individuals’ personal network characteristics and patterns of Facebook use: A social network approach
N Park, S Lee, JH Kim
Computers in Human Behavior 28 (5), 1700-1707, 2012
Communication and cybercoping: Coping with chronic illness through communicative action in online support networks
JN Kim, S Lee
Journal of health communication 19 (7), 775-794, 2014
Visual analytics for multimodal social network analysis: A design study with social scientists
S Ghani, BC Kwon, S Lee, JS Yi, N Elmqvist
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 19 (12), 2032-2041, 2013
Advancing research in organizational communication through quantitative methodology
VD Miller, MS Poole, DR Seibold, KK Myers, HS Park, P Monge, J Fulk, ...
Management Communication Quarterly 25 (1), 4-58, 2011
Midwives' cell phone use and health knowledge in rural communities
S Lee, A Chib, JN Kim
Journal of health communication 16 (9), 1006-1023, 2011
Linking Cultural Capital With Subjective Well-Being and Social Support The Role of Communication Networks
S Lee, JE Chung, N Park
Social Science Computer Review 34 (2), 172-196, 2016
Explaining the use of text-based communication media: An examination of three theories of media use
N Park, JE Chung, S Lee
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 15 (7), 357-363, 2012
Toward general principles for resilience engineering
DJ Yu, ML Schoon, JK Hawes, S Lee, J Park, PSC Rao, LK Siebeneck, ...
Risk Analysis 40 (8), 1509-1537, 2020
Uses of cellphone texting: An integration of motivations, usage patterns, and psychological outcomes
N Park, S Lee, JE Chung
Computers in Human Behavior 62, 712-719, 2016
The emergence of clusters in the global telecommunications network
S Lee, P Monge, F Bar, SA Matei
Journal of Communication 57 (3), 415-434, 2007
Research methods for studying evolutionary and ecological processes in organizational communication
P Monge, S Lee, J Fulk, M Weber, C Shen, C Schultz, D Margolin, J Gould, ...
Management Communication Quarterly 25 (2), 211-251, 2011
Magazine exposure, tanned women stereotypes, and tanning attitudes
H Cho, S Lee, K Wilson
Body image 7 (4), 364-367, 2010
Support and barriers in long-term recovery after Hurricane Sandy: improvisation as a communicative process of resilience
S Lee, BC Benedict, CM Jarvis, L Siebeneck, BJ Kuenanz
Journal of Applied Communication Research 48 (4), 438-458, 2020
Modeling social network influence on joint trip frequency for regular activity travel decisions
AM Sadri, S Lee, SV Ukkusuri
Transportation Research Record 2495 (1), 83-93, 2015
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Articles 1–20