Loy Xingwen
Loy Xingwen
Atlanta Botanical Garden
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Cited by
Links between community ecology theory and ecological restoration are on the rise
CE Wainwright, TL Staples, LS Charles, TC Flanagan, HR Lai, X Loy, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 55 (2), 570-581, 2018
Distinct responses of niche and fitness differences to water availability underlie variable coexistence outcomes in semi‐arid annual plant communities
CE Wainwright, J HilleRisLambers, HR Lai, X Loy, MM Mayfield
Journal of Ecology 107 (1), 293-306, 2019
Aridity drives coordinated trait shifts but not decreased trait variance across the geographic range of eight Australian trees
LDL Anderegg, X Loy, IP Markham, CM Elmer, MJ Hovenden, ...
New Phytologist 229 (3), 1375-1387, 2021
Bee communities in forestry production landscapes: interactive effects of local-level management and landscape context
AS Miljanic, X Loy, DL Gruenewald, EK Dobbs, IGW Gottlieb, RJ Fletcher, ...
Landscape Ecology 34, 1015-1032, 2019
Potential mechanisms of coexistence in closely related forbs
TL Staples, JM Dwyer, X Loy, MM Mayfield
Oikos 125 (12), 1812-1823, 2016
Unexpected drought resistance strategies in seedlings of four Brachychiton species
VA Reynolds, LDL Anderegg, X Loy, J HilleRisLambers, MM Mayfield
Tree physiology 38 (5), 664-677, 2018
The impacts of bioenergy pine plantation management practices on bee communities
X Loy, D Gruenewald, IGW Gottlieb, EK Dobbs, AS Miljanic, J Botsch, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (5), 952-962, 2020
Conserving alpha and beta diversity in wood‐production landscapes
GM Jones, B Brosi, JM Evans, IGW Gottlieb, X Loy, MM Núñez‐Regueiro, ...
Conservation Biology 36 (3), e13872, 2022
The effects of pollinator diversity on pollination function
X Loy, BJ Brosi
Ecology 103 (4), e3631, 2022
Plant–pollinator interaction niche broadens in response to severe drought perturbations
KL Endres, CN Morozumi, X Loy, HM Briggs, PJ CaraDonna, AM Iler, ...
Oecologia 197, 577-588, 2021
Asteraceae invaders have limited impacts on the pollination of common native annual species in SW Western Australia’s open woodland wildflower communities
X Loy, CE Wainwright, MM Mayfield
Plant Ecology 216, 1103-1115, 2015
Simultaneous niche expansion and contraction in plant–pollinator networks under drought
C Morozumi, X Loy, V Reynolds, A Schiffer, B Morrison, J Savage, B Brosi
Oikos 2022 (11), e09265, 2022
Differences in individual flowering time change pollen limitation and seed set in three montane wildflowers
A Schiffer, X Loy, C Morozumi, BJ Brosi
American Journal of Botany 110 (3), e16123, 2023
Accelerating flowering phenology drives community-wide negative effects on plant fecundity
X Loy, C Morozumi, A Schiffer, V Reynolds, H Steltzer, B Brosi
Authorea Preprints, 2023
Conserving alpha and beta diversity in wood-production landscapes
JM Gavin, B Brosi, J Evans, IGW Gottlieb, X Loy, MM Núñez Regueiro, ...
Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2021
The effects of anthropogenic change on pollination in plant-pollinator communities
X Loy
Emory University, 2021
Within-Species Variation in Allocation and Tissue Traits Across Large Aridity Gradients
LD Anderegg, X Loy, I Markham, M Mayfield, C Elmer, J Hillerislambers
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, B11E-2186, 2018
The effects of accelerated snowmelt on subalpine pollination network structure and function
CN Morozumi, X Loy, E Dobbs, C Wilmer, H Steltzer, BJ Brosi
2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5--10), 2018
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Articles 1–18