Iran Gomes da Rocha Segundo
Iran Gomes da Rocha Segundo
PhD in Civil Engineering
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Cited by
Use and misuse of the Kubelka-Munk function to obtain the band gap energy from diffuse reflectance measurements
S Landi Jr, IR Segundo, E Freitas, M Vasilevskiy, J Carneiro, CJ Tavares
Solid state communications 341, 114573, 2022
Review and analysis of advances in functionalized, smart, and multifunctional asphalt mixtures
IR Segundo, E Freitas, VTFC Branco, S Landi Jr, MF Costa, JO Carneiro
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 151, 111552, 2021
Assessment of photocatalytic, superhydrophobic and self-cleaning properties on hot mix asphalts coated with TiO 2 and/or ZnO aqueous solutions
I Rocha Segundo, C Ferreira, EF Freitas, JO Carneiro, F Fernandes, ...
Construction and Building Materials 166, 500-509, 2018
Smart, photocatalytic and self-cleaning asphalt mixtures: a literature review
I Rocha Segundo, E Freitas, S Landi Jr, MFM Costa, JO Carneiro
Coatings 9 (11), 696, 2019
Photocatalytic asphalt pavement: the physicochemical and rheological impact of TiO2 nano/microparticles and ZnO microparticles onto the bitumen
IG Rocha Segundo, EAL Dias, FDP Fernandes, EF Freitas, MF Costa, ...
Road Materials and Pavement Design 20 (6), 1452-1467, 2019
Traffic noise and pavement distresses: Modelling and assessment of input parameters influence through data mining techniques
EF Freitas, FF Martins, A Oliveira, I Rocha Segundo, H Torres
Applied Acoustics 138, 147-155, 2018
Evaluation of band gap energy of TiO2 precipitated from titanium sulphate
S Landi Jr, IR Segundo, C Afonso, O Lima Jr, MFM Costa, E Freitas, ...
Physica B: Condensed Matter 639, 414008, 2022
Physicochemical and Rheological Properties of a Transparent Asphalt Binder Modified with Nano-TiO2
I Rocha Segundo, S Landi Jr, A Margaritis, G Pipintakos, E Freitas, ...
Nanomaterials 10 (11), 2152, 2020
Misturas asfálticas recicladas a quente com incorporação de elevado percentual de fresado como alternativa para camada de módulo elevado
IG da Rocha Segundo, VTFC Branco, KL Vasconcelos, ÁS de Holanda
Transportes 24 (4), 85-94, 2016
Photocatalytic asphalt mixtures: Mechanical performance and impacts of traffic and weathering abrasion on photocatalytic efficiency
I Rocha Segundo, S Landi Jr, SMB Oliveira, EF Freitas, JAO Carneiro
Catal. Today 326, 94-100, 2019
Photocatalytic asphalt mixtures: Semiconductors’ impact in skid resistance and texture
I Rocha Segundo, S Landi Jr, S Oliveira, E Freitas, MF Costa, J Carneiro
Road Materials and Pavement Design 20 (sup2), S578-S589, 2019
Effect of Iron-Doping on the Structure and Photocatalytic Activity of TiO2 Nanoparticles
C Afonso, O Lima Jr, IR Segundo, S Landi Jr, É Margalho, N Homem, ...
Catalysts 13 (1), 58, 2022
Development of Photocatalytic 3D-Printed Cementitious Mortars: Influence of the Curing, Spraying Time Gaps and TiO2 Coating Rates
B Zahabizadeh, IR Segundo, J Pereira, E Freitas, A Camões, CJ Tavares, ...
Buildings 11 (9), 381, 2021
Advancements in phase change materials in asphalt pavements for mitigation of urban heat island effect: Bibliometric analysis and systematic review
C Pinheiro, S Landi Jr, O Lima Jr, L Ribas, N Hammes, IR Segundo, ...
Sensors 23 (18), 7741, 2023
Assessing the potential of application of titanium dioxide for photocatalytic degradation of deposited soot on asphalt pavement surfaces
SR Omranian, M Geluykens, M Van Hal, N Hasheminejad, IR Segundo, ...
Construction and Building Materials 350, 128859, 2022
Surface rehabilitation of Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements using single or double surface dressings with soft bitumen, conventional or modified emulsions
IR Segundo, L Silva, C Palha, E Freitas, H Silva
Construction and Building Materials 281, 122611, 2021
Functionalization of smart recycled asphalt mixtures: a sustainability scientific and pedagogical approach
IR Segundo, B Zahabizadeh, S Landi Jr, O Lima Jr, C Afonso, J Borinelli, ...
Sustainability 14 (1), 573, 2022
Asphalt Binder “Skincare”? Aging Evaluation of an Asphalt Binder Modified by Nano-TiO2
O Lima Jr, C Afonso, I Rocha Segundo, S Landi Jr, NC Homem, E Freitas, ...
Nanomaterials 12 (10), 1678, 2022
Smart asphalt mixtures: A bibliometric analysis of the research trends
IG da Rocha Segundo, ÉM Margalho, OS Lima Jr, CGS Pinheiro, ...
Coatings 13 (8), 1396, 2023
Development of capacitive-type sensors by electrochemical anodization: Humidity and touch sensing applications
JO Carneiro, A Ribeiro, F Miranda, IR Segundo, S Landi Jr, V Teixeira, ...
Sensors 21 (21), 7317, 2021
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Articles 1–20