Roshan G Ragel
Roshan G Ragel
Other namesR. G. Ragel, Roshan Ragel, R Ragel
Professor, Computer Engineering, University of Peradeniya
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Cited by
An ensemble learning approach for electrocardiogram sensor based human emotion recognition
T Dissanayake, Y Rajapaksha, R Ragel, I Nawinne
Sensors 19 (20), 4495, 2019
RIJID: Random code injection to mask power analysis based side channel attacks
JA Ambrose, RG Ragel, S Parameswaran
Proceedings of the 44th annual Design Automation Conference, 489-492, 2007
IMPRES: integrated monitoring for processor reliability and security
RG Ragel, S Parameswaran
Proceedings of the 43rd annual Design Automation Conference, 502-505, 2006
Advanced modes in AES: Are they safe from power analysis based side channel attacks?
D Jayasinghe, R Ragel, JA Ambrose, A Ignjatovic, S Parameswaran
2014 IEEE 32nd International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), 173-180, 2014
Students behavioural analysis in an online learning environment using data mining
IP Ratnapala, RG Ragel, S Deegalla
7th International Conference on Information and Automation for …, 2014
Hardware assisted pre-emptive control flow checking for embedded processors to improve reliability
RG Ragel, S Parameswaran
Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Hardware/software …, 2006
Locating tables in scanned documents for reconstructing and republishing
MACA Jahan, RG Ragel
7th International Conference on Information and Automation for …, 2014
Processor design for soft errors: Challenges and state of the art
T Li, JA Ambrose, R Ragel, S Parameswaran
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 49 (3), 1-44, 2016
Reli: Hardware/software checkpoint and recovery scheme for embedded processors
T Li, R Ragel, S Parameswaran
2012 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 875-880, 2012
Micro embedded monitoring for security in application specific instruction-set processors
RG Ragel, S Parameswaran, SM Kia
Proceedings of the 2005 international conference on Compilers, architectures …, 2005
Smart campus phase one: Smart parking sensor network
H Bandara, JDC Jayalath, A Rodrigo, AU Bandaranayake, Z Maraikar, ...
2016 Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering Symposium (MIES), 1-6, 2016
Plagiarism detection on electronic text based assignments using vector space model
MAC Jiffriya, MACA Jahan, RG Ragel
7th International Conference on Information and Automation for …, 2014
Authorship detection of SMS messages using unigrams
R Ragel, P Herath, U Senanayake
2013 IEEE 8th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems …, 2013
String matching with multicore CPUs: Performing better with the Aho-Corasick algorithm
S Arudchutha, T Nishanthy, RG Ragel
2013 IEEE 8th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems …, 2013
A hybrid hardware--software technique to improve reliability in embedded processors
RG Ragel, S Parameswaran
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 10 (3), 1-16, 2011
AntiPlag: Plagiarism detection on electronic submissions of text based assignments
MAC Jiffriya, MACA Jahan, RG Ragel, S Deegalla
2013 IEEE 8th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems …, 2013
An automatic answering system with template matching for natural language questions
T Gunawardena, M Lokuhetti, N Pathirana, R Ragel, S Deegalla
2010 Fifth International Conference on Information and Automation for …, 2010
A smart random code injection to mask power analysis based side channel attacks
JA Ambrose, RG Ragel, S Parameswaran
Proceedings of the 5th IEEE/ACM international conference on Hardware …, 2007
Multiprocessor information concealment architecture to prevent power analysis-based side channel attacks
JA Ambrose, RG Ragel, S Parameswaran, A Ignjatovic
IET computers & digital techniques 5 (1), 1-15, 2011
DeepSelectNet: deep neural network based selective sequencing for oxford nanopore sequencing
A Senanayake, H Gamaarachchi, D Herath, R Ragel
BMC bioinformatics 24 (1), 31, 2023
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Articles 1–20