Professor Xujiong Ye
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Cited by
Identifying the best machine learning algorithms for brain tumor segmentation, progression assessment, and overall survival prediction in the BRATS challenge
S Bakas, M Reyes, A Jakab, S Bauer, M Rempfler, A Crimi, RT Shinohara, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.02629, 2018
DAGAN: deep de-aliasing generative adversarial networks for fast compressed sensing MRI reconstruction
G Yang, S Yu, H Dong, G Slabaugh, PL Dragotti, X Ye, F Liu, S Arridge, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 37 (6), 1310-1321, 2017
Shape-based computer-aided detection of lung nodules in thoracic CT images
X Ye, X Lin, J Dehmeshki, G Slabaugh, G Beddoe
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 56 (7), 1810-1820, 2009
Segmentation of pulmonary nodules in thoracic CT scans: a region growing approach
J Dehmeshki, H Amin, M Valdivieso, X Ye
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 27 (4), 467-480, 2008
Automated brain tumour detection and segmentation using superpixel-based extremely randomized trees in FLAIR MRI
M Soltaninejad, G Yang, T Lambrou, N Allinson, TL Jones, TR Barrick, ...
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery 12, 183-203, 2017
An effective artificial bee colony algorithm for the flexible job-shop scheduling problem
L Wang, G Zhou, Y Xu, S Wang, M Liu
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 60, 303-315, 2012
Supervised learning based multimodal MRI brain tumour segmentation using texture features from supervoxels
M Soltaninejad, G Yang, T Lambrou, N Allinson, TL Jones, TR Barrick, ...
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 157, 69-84, 2018
Automated detection of lung nodules in CT images using shape-based genetic algorithm
J Dehmeshki, X Ye, XY Lin, M Valdivieso, H Amin
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 31 (6), 408-417, 2007
Automatic individual pig detection and tracking in pig farms
L Zhang, H Gray, X Ye, L Collins, N Allinson
Sensors 19 (5), 1188, 2019
Quantitative 3-dimensional echocardiography for accurate and rapid cardiac phenotype characterization in mice
D Dawson, CA Lygate, J Saunders, JE Schneider, X Ye, K Hulbert, ...
Circulation 110 (12), 1632-1637, 2004
Early esophageal adenocarcinoma detection using deep learning methods
N Ghatwary, M Zolgharni, X Ye
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery 14, 611-621, 2019
MRI brain tumor segmentation and patient survival prediction using random forests and fully convolutional networks
M Soltaninejad, L Zhang, T Lambrou, G Yang, N Allinson, X Ye
Brainlesion: Glioma, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injuries …, 2018
Automatic graph cut segmentation of lesions in CT using mean shift superpixels
X Ye, G Beddoe, G Slabaugh
International journal of biomedical imaging 2010 (1), 983963, 2010
Esophageal abnormality detection using densenet based faster r-cnn with gabor features
N Ghatwary, X Ye, M Zolgharni
IEEE Access 7, 84374-84385, 2019
Deep de-aliasing for fast compressive sensing MRI
S Yu, H Dong, G Yang, G Slabaugh, PL Dragotti, X Ye, F Liu, S Arridge, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.07137, 2017
Tissue-type mapping of gliomas
F Raschke, TR Barrick, TL Jones, G Yang, X Ye, FA Howe
NeuroImage: Clinical 21, 101648, 2019
MiR-23a sensitizes nasopharyngeal carcinoma to irradiation by targeting IL-8/Stat3 pathway
Q Jia-Quan, Y Hong-Mei, Y Xu, L Li-Na, Z Jin-Feng, X Ta, Y Li, ...
Oncotarget 6 (29), 28341, 2015
Automatic skin lesion segmentation by coupling deep fully convolutional networks and shallow network with textons
L Zhang, G Yang, X Ye
Journal of Medical Imaging 6 (2), 024001-024001, 2019
Fully automatic segmentation and objective assessment of atrial scars for long‐standing persistent atrial fibrillation patients using late gadolinium‐enhanced MRI
G Yang, X Zhuang, H Khan, S Haldar, E Nyktari, L Li, R Wage, X Ye, ...
Medical physics 45 (4), 1562-1576, 2018
Automated polyp segmentation in colonoscopy frames using fully convolutional neural network and textons
L Zhang, S Dolwani, X Ye
Medical Image Understanding and Analysis: 21st Annual Conference, MIUA 2017 …, 2017
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Articles 1–20