George Α. Papadopoulos
George Α. Papadopoulos
Professor of Software Engineering, Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus
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Coordination models and languages
GA Papadopoulos, F Arbab
Advances in computers 46, 329-400, 1998
A survey of software adaptation in mobile and ubiquitous computing
K Kakousis, N Paspallis, GA Papadopoulos
Enterprise Information Systems 4 (4), 355-389, 2010
A development framework and methodology for self-adapting applications in ubiquitous computing environments
S Hallsteinsen, K Geihs, N Paspallis, F Eliassen, G Horn, J Lorenzo, ...
Journal of Systems and Software 85 (12), 2840-2859, 2012
A comprehensive context modeling framework for pervasive computing systems
R Reichle, M Wagner, MU Khan, K Geihs, J Lorenzo, M Valla, C Fra, ...
Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems: 8th IFIP WG 6.1 …, 2008
A comprehensive solution for application‐level adaptation
K Geihs, P Barone, F Eliassen, J Floch, R Fricke, E Gjorven, ...
Software: Practice and Experience 39 (4), 385-422, 2009
Developing win-win solutions for virtual placements in informatics: the VALS case
FJ García-Peñalvo, J Cruz-Benito, D Griffiths, P Sharples, S Wilson, ...
Proceedings of the second international conference on technological …, 2014
VALS: Virtual Alliances for Learning Society
FJ García-Peñalvo, I Álvarez Navia, JR García-Bermejo Giner, ...
A context query language for pervasive computing environments
R Reichle, M Wagner, MU Khan, K Geihs, M Valla, C Fra, N Paspallis, ...
2008 Sixth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and …, 2008
Models and technologies for the coordination of Internet agents: A survey
GA Papadopoulos
Coordination of Internet Agents: Models, Technologies, and Applications, 25-56, 2001
Ubiquitous recommender systems
C Mettouris, GA Papadopoulos
Computing 96, 223-257, 2014
A pluggable and reconfigurable architecture for a context-aware enabling middleware system
N Paspallis, R Rouvoy, P Barone, GA Papadopoulos, F Eliassen, ...
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2008: OTM 2008 Confederated …, 2008
A utility-based adaptivity model for mobile applications
M Alia, VSW Eide, N Paspallis, F Eliassen, SO Hallsteinsen, ...
21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2007
Configuration and dynamic reconfiguration of components using the coordination paradigm
GA Papadopoulos, F Arbab
Future Generation Computer Systems 17 (8), 1023-1038, 2001
The cloud application modelling and execution language
AP Achilleos, K Kritikos, A Rossini, GM Kapitsaki, J Domaschka, ...
Journal of Cloud computing 8, 1-25, 2019
SciChallenge: a social media aware platform for contest-based STEM education and motivation of young students
AP Achilleos, C Mettouris, A Yeratziotis, GA Papadopoulos, S Pllana, ...
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 12 (1), 98-111, 2018
Aspect oriented programming for a component-based real life application: a case study
O Papapetrou, GA Papadopoulos
Proceedings of the 2004 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 1554-1558, 2004
Distributed context management in a mobility and adaptation enabling middleware (madam)
M Mikalsen, N Paspallis, J Floch, E Stav, GA Papadopoulos, A Chimaris
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 733-734, 2006
An approach for developing adaptive, mobile applications with separation of concerns
N Paspallis, GA Papadopoulos
30th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference …, 2006
A review of decision support systems in telecare
T Falas, G Papadopoulos, A Stafylopatis
Journal of medical systems 27, 347-356, 2003
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Preface
M Capcarrere, AA Freitas, PJ Bentley, CG Johnson, J Timmis
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in …, 2005
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