Ahmed Shaalan
Ahmed Shaalan
Associate Professor in Marketing, Birmingham University
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Cited by
Decoding travellers’ willingness to pay more for green travel products: Closing the intention–behaviour gap
G Agag, A Brown, A Hassanein, A Shaalan
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 28 (10), 1551-1575, 2020
East meets West: Toward a theoretical model linking guanxi and relationship marketing
AS Shaalan, J Reast, D Johnson, ME Tourky
Journal of Business Research 66 (12), 2515-2521, 2013
Customer incivility and service sabotage in the hotel industry
B Cheng, G Guo, J Tian, A Shaalan
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 32 (5), 1737-1754, 2020
The role of corporate identity in CSR implementation: An integrative framework
M Tourky, P Kitchen, A Shaalan
Journal of Business Research 117, 694-706, 2020
Corporate identity antecedents and components: Toward a theoretical framework
PJ Kitchen, ME Tourky, D Dean, AS Shaalan
Corporate Reputation Review 16, 263-284, 2013
When targets strike back: How negative workplace gossip triggers political acts by employees
B Cheng, Y Dong, Z Zhang, A Shaalan, G Guo, Y Peng
Journal of Business Ethics, 1-14, 2020
Conceptualizing corporate identity in a dynamic environment
M Tourky, P Foroudi, S Gupta, A Shaalan
Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 24 (2), 113-142, 2020
New conceptualization and measurement of corporate identity: Evidence from UK food and beverage industry
M Tourky, SFS Alwi, P Kitchen, TC Melewar, A Shaalan
Journal of Business Research 109, 595-606, 2020
When and how does leader humor promote customer-oriented organizational citizenship behavior in hotel employees?
B Cheng, Y Dong, Y Kong, A Shaalan, M Tourky
Tourism Management 96, 104693, 2023
Understanding consumer-based brand equity and its antecedents in international and national banks in Egypt
A Shaalan, A Hegazy, M Tourky, I Elshaer, H Ashour
Journal of Marketing Communications 28 (1), 38-72, 2022
The Hidden Costs of Negative Workplace Gossip: Its Effect on Targets’ Behaviors, the Mediating Role of Guanxi Closeness, and the Moderating Effect of Need for …
B Cheng, Y Peng, A Shaalan, M Tourky
Journal of Business Ethics 182 (1), 287-302, 2023
Harnessing customer mindset metrics to boost consumer spending: a cross‐country study on routes to economic and business growth
A Shaalan, G Agag, M Tourky
British Journal of Management 34 (1), 442-465, 2023
Arab networking and relationship marketing: is there a need for both?
A Shaalan, M Tourky, BR Barnes, C Jayawardhena, I Elshaer
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 36 (10), 1793-1805, 2021
Negative workplace gossip and targets’ subjective well-being: a moderated mediation model
B Cheng, Y Peng, X Zhou, A Shaalan, M Tourky, Y Dong
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 34 (9), 1757-1781, 2023
The impact of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) on consumer behaviours
H Liu, A Shaalan, C Jayawardhena
The SAGE Handbook of Digital Marketing, 136, 2022
De-linking from western epistemologies: Using guanxi-type relationships to attract and retain hotel guests in the Middle East
A Shaalan, R Eid, M Tourky
Management and Organization Review 18 (5), 859-891, 2022
How negative workplace gossip undermines employees’ career growth: from a reputational perspective
B Cheng, Y Peng, J Tian, A Shaalan
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 36 (7), 2443-2462, 2024
A profile deviation approach to enhancing relationship marketing outcomes
S Dewnarain, F Mavondo, H Ramkissoon, A Shaalan
Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management 32 (8), 1005-1024, 2023
The dark side of virtual agents: Ohhh no!
RB Mostafa, CR Lages, A Shaalan
International Journal of Information Management 75, 102721, 2024
The chatbot revolution: Companies and consumers in a new digital age
A Shaalan, ME Tourky, K Ibrahim
The SAGE Handbook of Digital Marketing, 369, 2022
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Articles 1–20