Jasper Verheul
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Cited by
Measuring biomechanical loads in team sports–from lab to field
J Verheul, NJ Nedergaard, J Vanrenterghem, MA Robinson
Science and Medicine in Football 4 (3), 246-252, 2020
Multidimensional ground reaction forces and moments from wearable sensor accelerations via deep learning
WR Johnson, A Mian, MA Robinson, J Verheul, DG Lloyd, JA Alderson
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 68 (1), 289-297, 2021
Biomechanical loading during running: can a two mass-spring-damper model be used to evaluate ground reaction forces for high-intensity tasks?
J Verheul, NJ Nedergaard, M Pogson, P Lisboa, W Gregson, ...
Sports biomechanics 20 (5), 571-582, 2021
A neural network method to predict task-and step-specific ground reaction force magnitudes from trunk accelerations during running activities
M Pogson, J Verheul, MA Robinson, J Vanrenterghem, P Lisboa
Medical engineering & physics 78, 82-89, 2020
Whole-body biomechanical load in running-based sports: The validity of estimating ground reaction forces from segmental accelerations
J Verheul, W Gregson, P Lisboa, J Vanrenterghem, MA Robinson
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 22 (6), 716–722, 2019
The feasibility of predicting ground reaction forces during running from a trunk accelerometry driven mass-spring-damper model
NJ Nedergaard, J Verheul, B Drust, T Etchells, P Lisboa, MA Robinson, ...
PeerJ 6, e6105, 2018
Numerical Instability of Hill-type Muscle Models
SH Yeo, J Verheul, W Herzog, S Sueda
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 20 (199), 20220430, 2023
Identifying generalised segmental acceleration patterns that contribute to ground reaction force features across different running tasks
J Verheul, J Warmenhoven, P Lisboa, W Gregson, J Vanrenterghem, ...
Journal of science and medicine in sport 22 (12), 1355-1360, 2019
Single-Joint and whole-body movement changes in anterior cruciate ligament athletes returning to sport
A Smeets, J Verheul, J Vanrenterghem, F Staes, H Vandenneucker, ...
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 52 (8), 1658-1667, 2020
Adjustments with running speed reveal neuromuscular adaptations during landing associated with high mileage running training
J Verheul, AC Clansey, MJ Lake
Journal of Applied Physiology 122, 653–665, 2017
Differentiable Simulation of Inertial Musculotendons
Y Wang, J Verheul, SH Yeo, NK Kalantari, S Sueda
ACM Transactions on Graphics 41 (6), 1-11, 2022
Angular Velocities and Linear Accelerations Derived from Inertial Measurement Units Can Be Used as Proxy Measures of Knee Variables Associated with ACL Injury
HSR Jones, VH Stiles, J Verheul, IS Moore
Sensors 22 (23), 9286, 2022
A Hybrid Method for Ultrasound-Based Tracking of Skeletal Muscle Architecture
J Verheul, SH Yeo
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 70 (4), 1114 - 1124, 2023
Jumping towards field-based ground reaction force estimation and assessment with OpenCap
J Verheul, MA Robinson, S Burton
Journal of Biomechanics 166, 112044, 2024
Muscle inertia during running: a massive change of moments?
J Verheul, S Sueda, SH Yeo
ISBS Proceedings Archive 40 (1), 732-735, 2022
Differences in lower limb joint stiffness in multiple movements following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
HSR Jones, IS Moore, E King, V Stiles, J Verheul, KAJ Daniels
ISBS Proceedings Archive 40 (1), 315-318, 2022
Effect of fatigue from repeated sprints on hamstring muscle activation patterns during running
EE Rimmer, J Verheul, M Lake
ISBS Proceedings Archive 38 (1), 944-947, 2020
Biomechanical loads in running-based sports: estimating ground reaction forces from segmental accelerations
JP Verheul
PQDT-Global, 2019
Assessments performed on harder surfaces can misrepresent ACL injury risk
HSR Jones, VH Stiles, J Verheul, IS Moore
Sports Biomechanics, 1-23, 2023
Muscle inertial contributions to ankle kinetics during the swing phase of running
J Verheul, S Sueda, SH Yeo
Journal of Biomechanics 147, 111455, 2023
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Articles 1–20