Natalia Klyueva
Natalia Klyueva
postdoctoral fellow at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
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Cited by
A report on the third VarDial evaluation campaign
M Zampieri, S Malmasi, Y Scherrer, T Samardžic, F Tyers, MP Silfverberg, ...
Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects, 1-16, 2019
Neural networks for multi-word expression detection
N Klyueva, A Doucet, M Straka
Proceedings of the 13th workshop on multiword expressions (MWE 2017), 60-65, 2017
Prague dependency treebank 3.5
J Hajič, E Bejček, A Bémová, E Buráňová, E Hajičová, J Havelka, ...
Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, LINDAT/CLARIN, Charles …, 2018
Statistical machine translation between related and unrelated languages
D Kolovratnık, N Klyueva, O Bojar
Proceedings of the Conference on Theory and Practice of Information …, 2009
Umc 0.1: Czech-russian-english multilingual corpus
N Klyueva, O Bojar
Proc. of International Conference Corpus Linguistics, 188-195, 2008
Prague Dependency Treebank 2.5
E Bejček, J Hajič, J Panevová, J Mírovský, J Spoustová, J Štěpánek, ...
Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Formal …, 2011
Prague Dependency Treebank–Consolidated 1.0 (PDT-C 1.0)
J Hajič, E Bejček, A Bémová, E Buráňová, E Fučíková, E Hajičová, ...
Data/software, LINDAT-CLARIAH,< http://hdl. handle. net/11234/1-3185> Cit 14 …, 2020
Semantic relata for the evaluation of distributional models in mandarin chinese
H Liu, E Chersoni, N Klyueva, E Santus, CR Huang
IEEE access 7, 145705-145713, 2019
Annotation of sentence structure: Capturing the relationship between clauses in Czech sentences
M Lopatková, P Homola, N Klyueva
Language resources and evaluation 46, 25-36, 2012
Converting Russian Treebank SynTagRus into Praguian PDT Style
D Mareček, N Klyueva
Proceedings of the Workshop Multilingual resources, technologies and …, 2009
Annotation of sentence structure; capturing the relationship among clauses in Czech sentences
M Lopatková, N Klyueva, P Homola
Proceedings of the Third Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW III), 74-81, 2009
Annotating Chinese light verb constructions according to PARSEME guidelines
M Jiang, N Klyueva, H Xu, CR Huang
European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2018
Prague dependency treebank 3.5 (2018)
J Hajic, E Bejcek, A Bémová, E Buránová, E Hajicová, J Havelka, ...
LINDAT/CLARIN digital library at the Institute of Formal and Applied …, 0
Annotated Corpora and Tools of the PARSEME Shared Task on Automatic Identification of Verbal Multiword Expressions
C Ramisch, SR Cordeiro, A Savary, V Vincze, V Barbu Mititelu, A Bhatia, ...
LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ Digital Library at the Institute of Formal and Applied …, 2018
Food-related sentiment analysis for Cantonese
N Klyueva, Y Long, CR Huang, Q Lu
Proceedings of the 32nd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and …, 2018
Verbal valency in the mt between related languages
N Klyueva, V Kuboň
Proceedings of Verb 2010, Interdisciplinary Workshop on Verbs, The …, 2010
Querying multi-word expressions annotation with CQL
N Klyueva, A Vernerová, B QasemiZadeh
Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic …, 2017
Improving corpus search via parsing
N Klyueva, P Straňák
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and …, 2016
Towards parallel czech-russian dependency treebank
N Klyueva, D Marecek
AEPC 2010, 44, 2010
PolyU_CBS-CFA at the FinSBD task: sentence boundary detection of financial data with domain knowledge enhancement and bilingual training
M Wan, R Xiang, E Chersoni, N Klyueva, K Ahrens, B Miao, D Broadstock, ...
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Articles 1–20