Yigit Subasi
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Cited by
Variational quantum linear solver
C Bravo-Prieto, R LaRose, M Cerezo, Y Subasi, L Cincio, PJ Coles
Quantum 7, 1188, 2023
Learning the quantum algorithm for state overlap
L Cincio, Y Subaşı, AT Sornborger, PJ Coles
New Journal of Physics 20 (11), 113022, 2018
Quantum algorithms for systems of linear equations inspired by adiabatic quantum computing
Y Subaşı, RD Somma, D Orsucci
Physical review letters 122 (6), 060504, 2019
Equilibrium states of open quantum systems in the strong coupling regime
Y Subaşı, CH Fleming, JM Taylor, BL Hu
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 86 (6 …, 2012
Mimicking Nonequilibrium Steady States with Stochastic Pumps
O Raz, Y Subasi, C Jarzynski
Physical Review X 6, 021022, 2015
Entanglement spectroscopy with a depth-two quantum circuit
Y Subaşı, L Cincio, PJ Coles
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52 (4), 044001, 2019
Fast forward to the classical adiabatic invariant
C Jarzynski, S Deffner, A Patra, Y Subaşı
Physical Review E 95 (3), 032122, 2017
Quantum thermodynamics from the nonequilibrium dynamics of open systems: Energy, heat capacity, and the third law
JT Hsiang, CH Chou, Y Subaşı, BL Hu
Physical Review E 97 (1), 012135, 2018
Geometric heat engines featuring power that grows with efficiency
O Raz, Y Subaşı, R Pugatch
Physical review letters 116 (16), 160601, 2016
Quantum algorithms from fluctuation theorems: Thermal-state preparation
Z Holmes, G Muraleedharan, RD Somma, Y Subasi, B Şahinoğlu
Quantum 6, 825, 2022
Nonlinear transformations in quantum computation
Z Holmes, NJ Coble, AT Sornborger, Y Subaşı
Physical Review Research 5 (1), 013105, 2023
Quantum and classical fluctuation theorems from a decoherent histories, open-system analysis
Y Subaşı, BL Hu
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (1 …, 2012
Qubit-efficient entanglement spectroscopy using qubit resets
J Yirka, Y Subaşı
Quantum 5, 535, 2021
Hardware-efficient fermionic simulation with a cavity–QED system
G Zhu, Y Subaşı, JD Whitfield, M Hafezi
npj Quantum Information 4 (1), 16, 2018
Computing partition functions in the one-clean-qubit model
AN Chowdhury, RD Somma, Y Subaşı
Physical Review A 103 (3), 032422, 2021
Koopman von Neumann mechanics and the Koopman representation: A perspective on solving nonlinear dynamical systems with quantum computers
YT Lin, RB Lowrie, D Aslangil, Y Subaşı, AT Sornborger
arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.02188, 2022
Maximum-entropy description of animal movement
CH Fleming, Y Subaşı, JM Calabrese
Physical Review E 91 (3), 032107, 2015
Macroscopic quantum phenomena from the large N perspective
CH Chou, BL Hu, Y Subaşi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 306 (1), 012002, 2011
Efficient quantum linear solver algorithm with detailed running costs
D Jennings, M Lostaglio, S Pallister, AT Sornborger, Y Subaşı
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.11352, 2023
Complexity of quantum state verification in the quantum linear systems problem
RD Somma, Y Subaşı
PRX quantum 2 (1), 010315, 2021
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Articles 1–20