Anne Lightbody
Anne Lightbody
Associate Professor of Hydrology
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Prediction of velocity profiles and longitudinal dispersion in salt marsh vegetation
AF Lightbody, HM Nepf
Limnology and oceanography 51 (1), 218-228, 2006
High-resolution numerical simulation of turbulence in natural waterways
S Kang, A Lightbody, C Hill, F Sotiropoulos
Advances in Water Resources 34 (1), 98-113, 2011
Effects of added vegetation on sand bar stability and stream hydrodynamics
JT Rominger, AF Lightbody, HM Nepf
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 136 (12), 994-1002, 2010
River training and ecological enhancement potential using in-stream structures
RR Radspinner, P Diplas, AF Lightbody, F Sotiropoulos
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 136 (12), 967-980, 2010
Prediction of near-field shear dispersion in an emergent canopy with heterogeneous morphology
AF Lightbody, HM Nepf
Environmental Fluid Mechanics 6, 477-488, 2006
When do plants modify fluvial processes? Plant‐hydraulic interactions under variable flow and sediment supply rates
RB Manners, AC Wilcox, L Kui, AF Lightbody, JC Stella, LS Sklar
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 120 (2), 325-345, 2015
Observations of short‐circuiting flow paths within a free‐surface wetland in Augusta, Georgia, USA
AF Lightbody, ME Avener, HM Nepf
Limnology and oceanography 53 (3), 1040-1053, 2008
Flow and scour constraints on uprooting of pioneer woody seedlings
S Bywater‐Reyes, AC Wilcox, JC Stella, AF Lightbody
Water Resources Research 51 (11), 9190-9206, 2015
Evolution of hydraulic conductivity in the floodplain of a meandering river due to hyporheic transport of fine materials
JD Nowinski, MB Cardenas, AF Lightbody
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (1), 2011
Ecogeomorphic feedbacks and flood loss of riparian tree seedlings in meandering channel experiments
L Kui, JC Stella, A Lightbody, AC Wilcox
Water Resources Research 50 (12), 9366-9384, 2014
Fluvial sediment supply and pioneer woody seedlings as a control on bar‐surface topography
RM Diehl, AC Wilcox, JC Stella, L Kui, LS Sklar, A Lightbody
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 42 (5), 724-734, 2017
Modeling the hydraulic effect of transverse deep zones on the performance of short-circuiting constructed treatment wetlands
AF Lightbody, HM Nepf, JS Bays
Ecological Engineering 35 (5), 754-768, 2009
Transport in aquatic canopies
H Nepf, B White, A Lightbody, M Ghisalberti
Flow and Transport Processes With Complex Obstructions: Applications to …, 2007
Mixing in deep zones within constructed treatment wetlands
AF Lightbody, HM Nepf, JS Bays
ecological engineering 29 (2), 209-220, 2007
Hydraulic and thermal response of groundwater–surface water exchange to flooding in an experimental aquifer
JD Nowinski, MB Cardenas, AF Lightbody, TE Swanson, AH Sawyer
Journal of Hydrology 472, 184-192, 2012
Riparian vegetation and sediment supply regulate the morphodynamic response of an experimental stream to floods
AF Lightbody, L Kui, JC Stella, KW Skorko, S Bywater-Reyes, AC Wilcox
Frontiers in environmental science 7, 40, 2019
Can environmental flows moderate riparian invasions? The influence of seedling morphology and density on scour losses in experimental floods
L Kui, JC Stella, RM Diehl, AC Wilcox, A Lightbody, LS Sklar
Freshwater biology 64 (3), 474-484, 2019
Macroinvertebrate grazers, current velocity, and bedload transport rate influence periphytic accrual in a field-scale experimental stream
EC Merten, WD Hintz, AF Lightbody, T Wellnitz
Hydrobiologia 652, 179-184, 2010
Field and laboratory observations of small-scale dispersion in wetlands
AF Lightbody
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004
Effects of Six-Hour Suspended Sediment Treatments on White Sucker (Catostomus commersoni) and Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu) in an Artificial Stream
EC Merten, J Loomis, A Lightbody, DJ Dieterman
Journal of Freshwater Ecology 25 (4), 539-548, 2010
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Articles 1–20