Sebastian Galiani
Sebastian Galiani
Department of Economics, University of Maryland
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Catastrophic natural disasters and economic growth
E Cavallo, S Galiani, I Noy, J Pantano
Review of Economics and Statistics 95 (5), 1549-1561, 2013
Water for life: The impact of the privatization of water services on child mortality
S Galiani, P Gertler, E Schargrodsky
Journal of political economy 113 (1), 83-120, 2005
Property rights for the poor: Effects of land titling
S Galiani, E Schargrodsky
Journal of Public Economics 94 (9-10), 700-729, 2010
The effect of pre-primary education on primary school performance
S Berlinski, S Galiani, P Gertler
Journal of public Economics 93 (1-2), 219-234, 2009
Why has unemployment risen in the New South Africa?1
A Banerjee, S Galiani, J Levinsohn, Z McLaren, I Woolard
Economics of Transition 16 (4), 715-740, 2008
Housing, health, and happiness
MD Cattaneo, S Galiani, PJ Gertler, S Martinez, R Titiunik
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 1 (1), 75-105, 2009
Giving children a better start: Preschool attendance and school-age profiles
S Berlinski, S Galiani, M Manacorda
Journal of public Economics 92 (5-6), 1416-1440, 2008
School decentralization: Helping the good get better, but leaving the poor behind
S Galiani, P Gertler, E Schargrodsky
Journal of public economics 92 (10-11), 2106-2120, 2008
The effect of a large expansion of pre-primary school facilities on preschool attendance and maternal employment
S Berlinski, S Galiani
Labour Economics 14 (3), 665-680, 2007
The formation of beliefs: evidence from the allocation of land titles to squatters
R Di Tella, S Galiant, E Schargrodsky
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 122 (1), 209-241, 2007
Institutions, property rights, and economic growth: The legacy of Douglass North
S Galiani, I Sened
Cambridge University Press, 2014
The impact of trade liberalization on wage inequality: evidence from Argentina
S Galiani, P Sanguinetti
Journal of development Economics 72 (2), 497-513, 2003
Fertility and female labor supply in Latin America: New causal evidence
G Cruces, S Galiani
Labour Economics 14 (3), 565-573, 2007
The effect of aid on growth: Evidence from a quasi-experiment
BZ S Galiani, S Knack, LC Xu
Journal of Economic Growth 22 (1), 1-33, 2017
The synth_runner package: Utilities to automate synthetic control estimation using synth
S Galiani, B Quistorff
The Stata Journal 17 (4), 834-849, 2017
Modeling informality formally: households and firms
S Galiani, F Weinschelbaum
Economic Inquiry 50 (3), 821-838, 2012
Educational upgrading and returns to skills in Latin America: Evidence from a supply-demand framework
S Galiani, G Cruces, P Acosta, LC Gasparini
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2017
The heterogeneous impact of conditional cash transfers
S Galiani, PJ McEwan
Journal of Public Economics 103, 85-96, 2013
Non-contributory pensions
S Galiani, P Gertler, R Bando
Labour economics 38, 47-58, 2016
Great Expectations and Hard Times: The Argentine Convertibility Plan [with Comments]
S Galiani, D Heymann, M Tommasi, L Servén, MC Terra
Economía 3 (2), 109-160, 2003
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Articles 1–20