Keith Blow
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Cited by
Theoretical description of transient stimulated Raman scattering in optical fibers
KJ Blow, D Wood
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 25 (12), 2665-2673, 1989
Nonlinear optics for high-speed digital information processing
D Cotter, RJ Manning, KJ Blow, AD Ellis, AE Kelly, D Nesset, ID Phillips, ...
Science 286 (5444), 1523-1528, 1999
Enhanced power solitons in optical fibres with periodic dispersion management
NJ Smith, FM Knox, NJ Doran, KJ Blow, I Bennion
Electronics Letters 32 (1), 54-55, 1996
Continuum fields in quantum optics
KJ Blow, R Loudon, SJD Phoenix, TJ Shepherd
Physical Review A 42 (7), 4102, 1990
Experimental demonstration of optical soliton switching in an all-fiber nonlinear Sagnac interferometer
KJ Blow, NJ Doran, BK Nayar
Optics letters 14 (14), 754-756, 1989
Semiconductor laser amplifiers for ultrafast all-optical signal processing
RJ Manning, AD Ellis, AJ Poustie, KJ Blow
JOSA B 14 (11), 3204-3216, 1997
Polarization instabilities for solitons in birefringent fibers
KJ Blow, NJ Doran, D Wood
Optics letters 12 (3), 202-204, 1987
Radio range adjustment for energy efficient wireless sensor networks
Q Gao, KJ Blow, DJ Holding, IW Marshall, XH Peng
Ad hoc networks 4 (1), 75-82, 2006
Suppression of the soliton self-frequency shift by bandwidth-limited amplification
KJ Blow, NJ Doran, D Wood
JOSA B 5 (6), 1301-1304, 1988
Average soliton dynamics and the operation of soliton systems with lumped amplifiers
KJ Blow, NJ Doran
IEEE Photonics technology letters 3 (4), 369-371, 1991
Mode-locked lasers with nonlinear external cavities
KJ Blow, D Wood
JOSA B 5 (3), 629-632, 1988
Two-wavelength operation of the nonlinear fiber loop mirror
KJ Blow, NJ Doran, BK Nayar, BP Nelson
Optics letters 15 (4), 248-250, 1990
Demonstration of the nonlinear fibre loop mirror as an ultrafast all-optical demultiplexer
KJ Blow, NJ Doran, BP Nelson
Electronics Letters 14 (26), 962-964, 1990
Nonlinear inverse synthesis and eigenvalue division multiplexing in optical fiber channels
JE Prilepsky, SA Derevyanko, KJ Blow, I Gabitov, SK Turitsyn
Physical review letters 113 (1), 013901, 2014
Multiple dark soliton solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
KJ Blow, NJ Doran
Physics Letters A 107 (2), 55-58, 1985
Sideband generation through perturbations to the average soliton model
NJ Smith, KJ Blow, I Andonovic
Journal of lightwave technology 10 (10), 1329-1333, 1992
Solitons in optical communications
N Doran, K Blow
IEEE journal of quantum electronics 19 (12), 1883-1888, 1983
Bandwidth limits of nonlinear (soliton) optical communication systems
KJ Blow, NJ Doran
Electronics Letters 11 (19), 429-430, 1983
Multi-user quantum cryptography on optical networks
SJD Phoenix, SM Barnett, PD Townsend, KJ Blow
Journal of modern optics 42 (6), 1155-1163, 1995
Improved mode locking of an F-center laser with a nonlinear nonsoliton external cavity
KJ Blow, BP Nelson
Optics letters 13 (11), 1026-1028, 1988
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Articles 1–20