Feng Zhan
Cited by
Cited by
Equity incentives and corporate fraud in China
LH Hass, M Tarsalewska, F Zhan
Journal of Business Ethics 138, 723-742, 2016
High frequency trading and end-of-day price dislocation
M Aitken, D Cumming, F Zhan
Journal of Banking & Finance 59, 330-349, 2015
Exchange trading rules, surveillance and suspected insider trading
M Aitken, D Cumming, F Zhan
Journal of Corporate Finance 34, 311-330, 2015
Trade size, high-frequency trading, and colocation around the world
M Aitken, D Cumming, F Zhan
The European Journal of Finance, 1-21, 2014
Corporate finance and the governance implications of removing government support programs
M Jacob, S Johan, D Schweizer, F Zhan
Journal of Banking & Finance 63, 35-47, 2016
The Changing Latitude: Labor‐Sponsored Venture Capital Corporations in C anada
S Johan, D Schweizer, F Zhan
Corporate Governance: An International Review 22 (2), 145-161, 2014
International Entrepreneurship Education
D Cumming, F Zhan
Journal of Teaching in International Business 29 (3), 181-184, 2018
Student characteristics and pedagogies in developing global mindsets: Introduction to this issue
R Aggarwal, F Zhan
Journal of Teaching in International Business 27 (4), 143-146, 2016
The scope of international mutual fund outsourcing: Fees, performance and risks
D Cumming, A Schwienbacher, F Zhan
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 38, 185-199, 2015
New and future research in corporate finance and governance in China and emerging markets
D Cumming, V Verdoliva, F Zhan
Emerging Markets Review 46, 100792, 2021
Individualism, synchronized stock price movements, and stock market volatility
F Zhan
International Journal of Managerial Finance 15 (3), 371-403, 2019
Teaching Management of Cultural Differences
R Aggarwal, F Zhan
Journal of Teaching in International Business 28 (1), 1-3, 2017
Exchange Trading Rules, Surveillance, and Insider Trading
DJ Cumming, F Zhan, MJ Aitken
Surveillance, and Insider Trading (October 15, 2013), 2013
For whom (and for when) is the firm governed? The effect of changes in corporate fiduciary duties on tax strategies and earnings management
D Cumming, BC Tingle QC, F Zhan
European Financial Management 27 (5), 775-813, 2021
Course Design Considerations in International Business Education
R Aggarwal, F Zhan
Journal of Teaching in International Business 29 (4), 267-271, 2018
China: From imitator to innovator?
F Zhan, J Proelss, D Schweizer
Emerging Markets Review 42, 100675, 2020
Perspectives and Challenges in Developing Global Mind Sets: Introduction
R Aggarwal, F Zhan
Journal of Teaching in International Business 29 (2), 91-95, 2018
Individualism, Synchronized Stock Price Movements, and Stock Market Volatility
F Zhan
Available at SSRN 2220313, 2013
China: From Imitator to Innovator?
J Proelss, D Schweizer, F Zhan
Available at SSRN 2846428, 2019
Trade Size around the World
M Aitken, DJ Cumming, F Zhan
Social Science Research Network, 2012
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Articles 1–20