Xinyan Zhao
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Cited by
Disentangling social media influence in crises: Testing a four-factor model of social media influence with large data
X Zhao, M Zhan, BF Liu
Public relations review 44 (4), 549-561, 2018
Examining multiplicity and dynamics of publics’ crisis narratives with large-scale Twitter data
X Zhao, M Zhan, C Jie
Public Relations Review 44 (4), 619-632, 2018
Segmenting and understanding publics in a social media information sharing network: An interactional and dynamic approach
X Zhao, M Zhan, CW Wong
International Journal of Strategic Communication 12 (1), 25-45, 2018
How publics react to situational and renewing organizational responses across crises: Examining SCCT and DOR in social-mediated crises
X Zhao, M Zhan, L Ma
Public Relations Review 46 (4), 101944, 2020
Understanding motivated publics during disasters: Examining message functions, frames, and styles of social media influentials and followers
X Zhao, MM Zhan, BF Liu
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 27 (4), 387-399, 2019
The influence of absolute and comparative risk perceptions on cervical cancer screening and the mediating role of cancer worry
X Zhao, X Nan
Journal of health communication 21 (1), 100-108, 2016
Self-protection by fact-checking: How pandemic information seeking and verifying affect preventive behaviors
X Zhao, SJ Tsang
Journal of Contingency and Crisis Management, 2021
Appealing to the heart: How social media communication characteristics affect users' liking behavior during the Manchester terrorist attack
X Zhao, MM Zhan
International Journal of Communication 13, 22, 2019
TV, social media, and college students’ binge drinking intentions: Moderated mediation models
B Yang, X Zhao
Journal of health communication 23 (1), 61-71, 2018
How Brand-Stakeholder Dialogue Drives Brand-Hosted Community Engagement on Social Media: A Mixed-Methods Approach
X Zhao, YRR Chen
Computers in Human Behavior, 2022
Digital dialogue in online brand communities: Examining the social network outcomes of brands’ dialogue with Facebook users
YRR Chen, X Zhao
Telematics and Informatics 57, 101507, 2021
Proattitudinal versus counterattitudinal messages: Message discrepancy, reactance, and the boomerang effect
X Zhao, E Fink
Communication Monographs, 2020
Analyzing trend for US immigrants’e-health engagement from 2008 to 2013
X Zhao, B Yang, CW Wong
Health communication, 2019
Medium and source convergence in crisis information acquisition: Patterns, antecedents, and outcomes
X Zhao, S Xu, L Austin
New Media & Society, 2022
Primacy effect of emotions in social stories: User engagement behaviors with breast cancer narratives on Facebook
X Zhao, X Wang, Z Ma, R Ma
Computers in Human Behavior 137, 107405, 2022
Effects of perceived media diversity and media reliance on public opinion expression
X Zhao
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 28 (3), 355-375, 2016
Persuasiveness of anti-smoking messages: Self-construal and message focus
B Yang, X Nan, X Zhao
Health Education 117 (4), 398-413, 2017
How people process different types of health misinformation: Roles of content falsity and evidence type
X Zhao, SJ Tsang
Health Communication 39 (4), 741-753, 2024
Dynamics of Networked Framing: Automated Frame Analysis of Government Media and the Public on Weibo With Pandemic Big Data
X Zhao, X Wang
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 2022
How information repertoire affects vaccine hesitancy: Processes of information verification and cognitive elaboration
X Zhao, Z Ma, S Xu, LL Austin
Health Communication 39 (1), 62-72, 2024
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Articles 1–20