Vivien Zell
Vivien Zell
Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine
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Ventral tegmental area glutamate neurons co-release GABA and promote positive reinforcement
JH Yoo, V Zell, N Gutierrez-Reed, J Wu, R Ressler, MA Shenasa, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 13697, 2016
Opponent control of behavioral reinforcement by inhibitory and excitatory projections from the ventral pallidum
L Faget, V Zell, E Souter, A McPherson, R Ressler, N Gutierrez-Reed, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 849, 2018
VTA glutamate neuron activity drives positive reinforcement absent dopamine co-release
V Zell, T Steinkellner, NG Hollon, SM Warlow, E Souter, L Faget, ...
Neuron 107 (5), 864-873. e4, 2020
Causal role for the subthalamic nucleus in interrupting behavior
KH Fife, NA Gutierrez-Reed, V Zell, J Bailly, CM Lewis, AR Aron, ...
elife 6, e27689, 2017
Role for VGLUT2 in selective vulnerability of midbrain dopamine neurons
T Steinkellner, V Zell, ZJ Farino, MS Sonders, M Villeneuve, RJ Freyberg, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 128 (2), 774-788, 2018
Activation of pedunculopontine glutamate neurons is reinforcing
JH Yoo, V Zell, J Wu, C Punta, N Ramajayam, X Shen, L Faget, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (1), 38-46, 2017
Disrupting glutamate co-transmission does not affect acquisition of conditioned behavior reinforced by dopamine neuron activation
DV Wang, T Viereckel, V Zell, Å Konradsson-Geuken, CJ Broker, ...
Cell reports 18 (11), 2584-2591, 2017
The NeuroD6 subtype of VTA neurons contributes to psychostimulant sensitization and behavioral reinforcement
Z Bimpisidis, N König, S Stagkourakis, V Zell, B Vlcek, S Dumas, B Giros, ...
Eneuro 6 (3), 2019
Peripheral and central alterations affecting spinal nociceptive processing and pain at adulthood in rats exposed to neonatal maternal deprivation
PE Juif, C Salio, V Zell, M Melchior, A Lacaud, N Petit‐Demouliere, ...
European Journal of Neuroscience 44 (3), 1952-1962, 2016
Etifoxine analgesia in experimental monoarthritis: a combined action that protects spinal inhibition and limits central inflammatory processes
M Aouad, V Zell, PE Juif, A Lacaud, Y Goumon, P Darbon, V Lelievre, ...
PAIN® 155 (2), 403-412, 2014
Corticosterone analgesia is mediated by the spinal production of neuroactive metabolites that enhance GABA ergic inhibitory transmission on dorsal horn rat neurons
V Zell, PÉ Juif, U Hanesch, P Poisbeau, F Anton, P Darbon
European Journal of Neuroscience 41 (3), 390-397, 2015
Mesoaccumbal glutamate neurons drive reward via glutamate release but aversion via dopamine co-release
SM Warlow, SM Singhal, NG Hollon, L Faget, DS Dowlat, V Zell, ...
Neuron 112 (3), 488-499. e5, 2024
Ventral pallidum GABA and glutamate neurons drive approach and avoidance through distinct modulation of VTA cell types
L Faget, L Oriol, WC Lee, V Zell, C Sargent, A Flores, NG Hollon, ...
Nature Communications 15 (1), 4233, 2024
Disruption of VGLUT1 in cholinergic medial habenula projections increases nicotine self-administration
EA Souter, YC Chen, V Zell, V Lallai, T Steinkellner, WS Conrad, ...
Eneuro 9 (1), 2022
Genetic probe for visualizing glutamatergic synapses and vesicles by 3D electron microscopy
T Steinkellner, M Madany, MG Haberl, V Zell, C Li, J Hu, M Mackey, ...
ACS chemical neuroscience 12 (4), 626-639, 2021
Plasma glucocorticoids differentially modulate phasic and tonic GABA inhibition during early postnatal development in rat spinal lamina II
V Zell, U Hanesch, P Poisbeau, F Anton, P Darbon
Neuroscience letters 578, 39-43, 2014
Neurotensin receptor 1-biased ligand attenuates neurotensin-mediated excitation of ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons and dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens
SM Singhal, V Zell, L Faget, LM Slosky, LS Barak, MG Caron, ...
Neuropharmacology 234, 109544, 2023
Characterization of Selective M5 Acetylcholine Muscarinic Receptor Modulators on Dopamine Signaling in the Striatum
V Zell, G Teuns, AS Needham, S Mukherjee, N Roscoe, M Le, ...
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 387 (2), 226-234, 2023
PE Juif, C Salio, V Zell, M Melchior, A Lacaud, N Petit-Demouliere, ...
Photo-Oxidation of MiniSOG Related to Cultured Neurons
D Boassa, T Steinkellner, M Madany, MG Haberl, V Zell, C Li, J Hu, ...
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Articles 1–20