Omar Siddiqui
Omar Siddiqui
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Cited by
Mutual coupling reduction between microstrip patch antennas using slotted-complementary split-ring resonators
MM Bait-Suwailam, OF Siddiqui, OM Ramahi
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 9, 876-878, 2010
Periodically loaded transmission line with effective negative refractive index and negative group velocity
OF Siddiqui, M Mojahedi, GV Eleftheriades
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 51 (10), 2619-2625, 2003
Transmission line models for negative refractive index media and associated implementations without excess resonators
GV Eleftheriades, O Siddiqui, AK Iyer
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 13 (2), 51-53, 2003
Time-domain measurement of negative group delay in negative-refractive-index transmission-line metamaterials
OF Siddiqui, SJ Erickson, GV Eleftheriades, M Mojahedi
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 52 (5), 1449-1454, 2004
A THz graphene metasurface for polarization selective virus sensing
M Amin, O Siddiqui, H Abutarboush, M Farhat, R Ramzan
Carbon 176, 580-591, 2021
Negative refraction and focusing in hyperbolic transmission-line periodic grids
GV Eleftheriades, OF Siddiqui
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 53 (1), 396-403, 2005
Linear and Circular Dichroism in Graphene-Based Reflectors for Polarization Control
M Amin, O Siddiqui, M Farhat
Physical Review Applied 13 (2), 024046, 2020
Slow wave applications of electromagnetically induced transparency in microstrip resonator
M Amin, R Ramzan, O Siddiqui
Scientific reports 8 (1), 1-13, 2018
Fano resonance based ultra high-contrast electromagnetic switch
M Amin, R Ramzan, O Siddiqui
Applied Physics Letters 110 (18), 181904, 2017
A non-invasive phase sensor for permittivity and moisture estimation based on anomalous dispersion
O Siddiqui, R Ramzan, M Amin, OM Ramahi
Scientific reports 6 (1), 1-9, 2016
Quasi-crystal metasurface for simultaneous half-and quarter-wave plate operation
M Amin, O Siddiqui, FA Tahir
Scientific reports 8 (1), 1-10, 2018
Resonant modes in continuous metallic grids over ground and related spatial-filtering applications
OF Siddiqui, GV Eleftheriades
Journal of applied physics 99 (8), 083102, 2006
An Interference-based Quadruple-L Cross Metasurface Absorber for RF Energy Harvesting
M Amin, T Almoneef, O Siddiqui, MA Aldhaeebi, J Mouine
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2021
A perfect Fresnel acoustic reflector implemented by a Fano-resonant metascreen
M Amin, O Siddiqui, M Farhat, A Khelif
Journal of Applied Physics 123 (14), 144502, 2018
Metamaterial for gain enhancement of printed antennas: Theory, measurements and optimization
H Attia, O Siddiqui, L Yousefi, OM Ramahi
2011 Saudi International Electronics, Communications and Photonics …, 2011
A Complex Permittivity Extraction Method Based on Anomalous Dispersion
R Ramzan, OF Siddiqui, MW Arshad, OM Ramahi
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 64 (11), 3787-3796, 2016
Polarization-State Modulation in Fano Resonant Graphene Metasurface Reflector
M Amin, O Siddiqui, M Farhat
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2021
Resonant Beam Steering and Carpet Cloaking Using an Acoustic Transformational Metascreen
M Amin, O Siddiqui, W Orfali, M Farhat, A Khelif
Physical Review Applied 10 (6), 064030, 2018
Design and implementation of waveguide bandpass filter using complementary metaresonator
T ul Haq, MF Khan, OF Siddiqui
Applied Physics A 122 (1), 34, 2016
Electromagnetically induced absorption in the near-field of microwave radiative elements with application to foliage moisture sensing
R Ramzan, M Omar, OF Siddiqui, M Amin, N Bastaki, TS Ksiksi
IEEE Access 6, 77859-77868, 2018
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Articles 1–20