Brian Weeks
Brian Weeks
Associate Professor, Communication & Media, University of Michigan
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Effects of the news-finds-me perception in communication: Social media use implications for news seeking and learning about politics
H Gil de Zúñiga, B Weeks, A Ardèvol-Abreu
Journal of computer-mediated communication 22 (3), 105-123, 2017
Emotions, partisanship, and misperceptions: How anger and anxiety moderate the effect of partisan bias on susceptibility to political misinformation
BE Weeks
Journal of communication 65 (4), 699-719, 2015
Online influence? Social media use, opinion leadership, and political persuasion
BE Weeks, A Ardèvol-Abreu, H Gil de Zúñiga
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 29 (2), 214-239, 2017
Predicting dissemination of news content in social media: A focus on reception, friending, and partisanship
BE Weeks, RL Holbert
Journalism & mass communication quarterly 90 (2), 212-232, 2013
Partisan provocation: The role of partisan news use and emotional responses in political information sharing in social media
A Hasell, BE Weeks
Human Communication Research 42 (4), 641-661, 2016
Incidental Exposure, Selective Exposure, and Political Information Sharing: Integrating Online Exposure Patterns and Expression on Social Media
BE Weeks, DS Lane, DH Kim, SS Lee, N Kwak
Journal of Computer‐Mediated Communication, 2017
Political persuasion on social media: Tracing direct and indirect effects of news use and social interaction
T Diehl, BE Weeks, H Gil de Zúñiga
New media & society 18 (9), 1875-1895, 2016
Driving a wedge between evidence and beliefs: How online ideological news exposure promotes political misperceptions
RK Garrett, BE Weeks, RL Neo
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 21 (5), 331-348, 2016
The Promise and Peril of Real-Time Corrections to Political Misperceptions
RK Garrett, BE Weeks
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work …, 2013
Electoral consequences of political rumors: Motivated reasoning, candidate rumors, and vote choice during the 2008 US presidential election
BE Weeks, RK Garrett
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 26 (4), 401-422, 2014
Epistemic beliefs’ role in promoting misperceptions and conspiracist ideation
RK Garrett, BE Weeks
PloS one 12 (9), e0184733, 2017
The symbiosis of news coverage and aggregate online search behavior: Obama, rumors, and presidential politics
B Weeks, B Southwell
Mass Communication and Society 13 (4), 341-360, 2010
What’s next? Six observations for the future of political misinformation research
BE Weeks, H Gil de Zúñiga
American Behavioral Scientist 65 (2), 277-289, 2021
Partisan enclaves or shared media experiences? A network approach to understanding citizens’ political news environments
BE Weeks, TB Ksiazek, RL Holbert
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 60 (2), 248-268, 2016
Social media expression and the political self
DS Lane, SS Lee, F Liang, DH Kim, L Shen, BE Weeks, N Kwak
Journal of Communication 69 (1), 49-72, 2019
From Online Disagreement to Offline Action: How Diverse Motivations for Using Social Media Can Increase Political Information Sharing and Catalyze Offline Political Participation
NK Daniel S Lane, Dam Hee Kim, Slgi S Lee, Brian E Weeks
Social Media+ Society 3 (3), 2056305117716274, 2017
Motivations for political discussion: Antecedents and consequences on civic engagement
H Gil de Zúñiga, S Valenzuela, BE Weeks
Human Communication Research 42 (4), 533-552, 2016
Tackling misinformation: What researchers could do with social media data
IV Pasquetto, B Swire-Thompson, MA Amazeen, F Benevenuto, ...
The Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review, 2020
Perceptions of social media for politics: Testing the slacktivism hypothesis
N Kwak, DS Lane, BE Weeks, DH Kim, SS Lee, S Bachleda
Human Communication Research 44 (2), 197-221, 2018
Behavioral Consequences of Conflict-Oriented Health News Coverage: The 2009 Mammography Guideline Controversy and Online Information Seeking
BE Weeks, LM Friedenberg, BG Southwell, JS Slater
Health Communication, 2012
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Articles 1–20