Lyndon While
Lyndon While
Associate Professor of Computer Science, The University of Western Australia
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Cited by
A review of multiobjective test problems and a scalable test problem toolkit
S Huband, P Hingston, L Barone, L While
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 10 (5), 477-506, 2006
A faster algorithm for calculating hypervolume
L While, P Hingston, L Barone, S Huband
IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation 10 (1), 29-38, 2006
Parallel programming using skeleton functions
J Darlington, AJ Field, PG Harrison, PHJ Kelly, DWN Sharp, Q Wu, ...
PARLE'93 Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe: 5th International …, 1993
A fast way of calculating exact hypervolumes
L While, L Bradstreet, L Barone
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 16 (1), 86-95, 2011
A scalable multi-objective test problem toolkit
S Huband, L Barone, L While, P Hingston
Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization: Third International Conference …, 2005
The veterinary and public health significance of hookworm in dogs and cats in Australia and the status of A. ceylanicum
CS Palmer, RJ Traub, ID Robertson, RP Hobbs, A Elliot, L While, R Rees, ...
Veterinary parasitology 145 (3-4), 304-313, 2007
An evolution strategy with probabilistic mutation for multi-objective optimisation
S Huband, P Hingston, L While, L Barone
The 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2003. CEC'03. 4, 2284-2291, 2003
Applying evolutionary algorithms to problems with noisy, time-consuming fitness functions
A Di Pietro, L While, L Barone
Proceedings of the 2004 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE Cat. No …, 2004
A fast incremental hypervolume algorithm
L Bradstreet, L While, L Barone
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 12 (6), 714-723, 2008
Heuristics for optimizing the calculation of hypervolume for multi-objective optimization problems
L While, L Bradstreet, L Barone, P Hingston
2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 3, 2225-2232, 2005
A new analysis of the LebMeasure algorithm for calculating hypervolume
L While
Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization: Third International Conference …, 2005
An adaptive learning model for simplified poker using evolutionary algorithms
L Barone, L While
Proceedings of the 1999 Congress on Evolutionary Computation-CEC99 (Cat. No …, 1999
Multiobjective optimization of ethylene cracking furnace system using self-adaptive multiobjective teaching-learning-based optimization
K Yu, L While, M Reynolds, X Wang, JJ Liang, L Zhao, Z Wang
Energy 148, 469-481, 2018
Throughput maximization of queueing networks with simultaneous minimization of service rates and buffers
FRB Cruz, G Kendall, L While, AR Duarte, NLC Brito
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2012 (1), 692593, 2012
Learning in RoboCup keepaway using evolutionary algorithms
AD Pietro, L While, L Barone
Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary …, 2002
Applying the WFG algorithm to calculate incremental hypervolumes
L While, L Bradstreet
2012 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 1-8, 2012
Adaptive learning for poker
L Barone, L While
Proceedings of the 2Nd Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary …, 2000
Maximising hypervolume for selection in multi-objective evolutionary algorithms
L Bradstreet, L Barone, L While
2006 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, 1744-1751, 2006
Designing comminution circuits with a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm
S Huband, L Barone, P Hingston, L While, D Tuppurainen, R Bearman
2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2, 1815-1822, 2005
A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm approach for crusher optimisation and flowsheet design
L While, L Barone, P Hingston, S Huband, D Tuppurainen, R Bearman
Minerals Engineering 17 (11-12), 1063-1074, 2004
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Articles 1–20