Alexandru Dumitrache
Alexandru Dumitrache
Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics
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Mathematical modelling and numerical investigations on the Coanda effect
A Dumitrache, F Frunzulica, TC Ionescu
Nonlinearity, bifurcation and chaos-theory and applications, 101-132, 2012
Modelling of inboard stall delay due to rotation
H Dumitrescu, V Cardoş, A Dumitrache
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 75 (1), 012022, 2007
Low-frequency noise prediction of vertical axis wind turbines
H Dumitrescu, V Cardos, A Dumitrache, F Frunzulica
Proceedings of the Romanian Academy 11 (1), 47-54, 2010
Identification of solar cell parameters with firefly algorithm
M Louzazni, A Crăciunescu, A Dumitrache
2015 Second International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in …, 2015
Reynolds number effects on the aerodynamic performance of small VAWTs
R Bogateanu, A Dumitrache, H Dumitrescu, CI Stoica
Sci. Bull.–Univ.“Politeh” Bucharest, Ser. D 76 (1), 25-36, 2014
On the optimal control of affine nonlinear systems
M Popescu, A Dumitrache
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2005 (4), 465-475, 2005
Unsteady aerodynamics, aeroelasticity and aeroacoustics for wind turbines
H Dumitrescu, V Cardos, F Frunzulic, A Dumitrache
Publishing House of Romanian Academy, Bucharest, 2007
Influences of some parameters on the performance of a small vertical axis wind turbine
A Dumitrache, F Frunzulica, H Dumitrescu, B Suatean
Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability 1, 16, 2016
3D CFD modeling and simulation of NREL phase VI rotor
R Mahu, F Popescu, F Frunzulică, A Dumitrache
AIP Conference Proceedings 1389 (1), 1520-1523, 2011
Numerical investigations of passive flow control elements for vertical axis wind turbine
F Frunzulica, A Dumitrache, B Suatean
AIP Conference Proceedings 1637 (1), 331-340, 2014
A new vertical axis wind turbine design for urban areas
F Frunzulica, A Cismilianu, A Boros, A Dumitrache, B Suatean
AIP Conference Proceedings 1738 (1), 2016
Aerodinamica turbinelor de vânt
H Dumitrescu, V Cardoş, A Dumitrache
Editura Academiei Române, 2001
Blowing jets as a circulation flow control to enhancement the lift of wing or generated power of wind turbine
A Dumitrache, F Frunzulica, H Dumitrescu, V Cardos
Incas Bulletin 6 (2), 33, 2014
Numerical investigations of dynamic stall control
F Frunzulica, H Dumitrescu, A Dumitrache
Incas Bulletin 6, 67, 2014
Aerodynamics of Wind Turbine
H Dumitrescu, V Cardos, A Dumitrache
Editura Academiei Române, Bucuresti, 2001
TORNADO concept and realisation of a rotor for small VAWTs
H Dumitrescu, A Dumitrache, F Frunzulica, A Pal, V Turbatu
INCAS Bulletin 5 (3), 69, 2013
Wind tunnel experiments on vertical-axis wind turbines with straight blades
H Dumitrescu, A Dumitrache, CL Popescu, MO Popescu, F Frunzulică, ...
Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal 1 (12), 1001-1004, 2014
Turbulence models in cfd simulation of low-reynolds number airfoils flow
S Bogos, A Dumitrache, F Frunzulica
AIP Conference Proceedings 1648 (1), 2015
Influence of pitching on performance of VAWTs
R Bogateanu, A Dumitrache, V Cardos, H Dumitrescu
PAMM 13 (1), 277-278, 2013
Methods for improve the performance of the turbomachines using the flow control
I Malael, H Dumitrescu, A Dumitrache, TE Simos, G Psihoyios, C Tsitouras, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings-American Institute of Physics 1389 (1), 1515, 2011
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Articles 1–20