Haomin Li
Haomin Li
Other names昊旻李, Hao-Min Li
The Children's Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine
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Cited by
Cited by
Neddylation E2 UBE2F promotes the survival of lung cancer cells by activating CRL5 to degrade NOXA via the K11 linkage
W Zhou, J Xu, H Li, M Xu, ZJ Chen, W Wei, Z Pan, Y Sun
Clinical Cancer Research 23 (4), 1104-1116, 2017
PIC, a paediatric-specific intensive care database
X Zeng, G Yu, Y Lu, L Tan, X Wu, S Shi, H Duan, Q Shu, H Li
Scientific data 7 (1), 14, 2020
UBE2M Is a Stress-Inducible Dual E2 for Neddylation and Ubiquitylation that Promotes Targeted Degradation of UBE2F
SY Zhou W, Xu J, Tan M, Li H, Li H, Wei W
Mol Cell 70 (6), 1008-1024, 2018
Similarity measure between patient traces for clinical pathway analysis: problem, method, and applications
Z Huang, W Dong, H Duan, H Li
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 18 (1), 4-14, 2013
Changes in children's healthcare visits during coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic in Hangzhou, China
H Li, G Yu, H Duan, J Fu, Q Shu
The Journal of Pediatrics 224, 146-149, 2020
The β-TrCP-FBXW2-SKP2 axis regulates lung cancer cell growth with FBXW2 acting as a tumour suppressor
J Xu, W Zhou, F Yang, G Chen, H Li, Y Zhao, P Liu, H Li, M Tan, X Xiong, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 14002, 2017
Integration of cardiac proteome biology and medicine by a specialized knowledgebase
NC Zong, H Li, H Li, MPY Lam, RC Jimenez, CS Kim, N Deng, AK Kim, ...
Circulation research 113 (9), 1043-1053, 2013
Automatic pediatric congenital heart disease classification based on heart sound signal
W Xu, K Yu, J Ye, H Li, J Chen, F Yin, J Xu, J Zhu, D Li, Q Shu
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 126, 102257, 2022
Prediction of complications after paediatric cardiac surgery
HL Xian Zeng#, Jiye An#, Ru Lin#, Cong Dong, Aiyu Zheng, Jianhua Li, Huilong ...
Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2019, ezz198, 2019
A patient-similarity-based model for diagnostic prediction
Z Jia, X Zeng, H Duan, X Lu, H Li
International journal of medical informatics 135, 104073, 2020
The architecture of enterprise hospital information system
X Lu, H Duan, H Li, C Zhao, J An
2005 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual Conference, 6957-6960, 2006
Vbridge: Connecting the dots between features and data to explain healthcare models
F Cheng, D Liu, F Du, Y Lin, A Zytek, H Li, H Qu, K Veeramachaneni
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 28 (1), 378-388, 2021
Using the distance between sets of hierarchical taxonomic clinical concepts to measure patient similarity
Z Jia, X Lu, H Duan, H Li
BMC medical informatics and decision making 19, 1-11, 2019
The FBXW7-SHOC2-Raptor Axis Controls the Cross-Talks between the RAS-ERK and mTORC1 Signaling Pathways
YS Chuan-Ming Xie, Mingjia Tan, Xiao-Tong Lin, Di Wu, Yihan Jiang, Ye Tan ...
Cell Reports 26 (March 12), 1-14, 2019
Neddylation inhibition induces glutamine uptake and metabolism by targeting CRL3SPOP E3 ligase in cancer cells.
Z Qiyin, L Wenyu, W Chaoqun, S Fei, J Siwei, C Qian, W Yi, C Yongxia, ...
Nature Communications 13, 3034, 2022
Length of stay prediction for clinical treatment process using temporal similarity
Z Huang, JM Juarez, H Duan, H Li
Expert systems with applications 40 (16), 6330-6339, 2013
Explainable machine-learning predictions for complications after pediatric congenital heart surgery
X Zeng, Y Hu, L Shu, J Li, H Duan, Q Shu, H Li
Scientific reports 11 (1), 17244, 2021
Identification of gene expression pattern related to breast cancer survival using integrated TCGA datasets and genomic tools
Z Huang, H Duan, H Li
BioMed research international 2015 (1), 878546, 2015
Ribosomal protein S27-like regulates autophagy via the β-TrCP-DEPTOR-mTORC1 axis
YZ 1. X Xiong, X Liu, H Li, H He, Y Sun
Cell Death& Disease 9, Article number:1131(2018), 2018
Measure clinical drug–drug similarity using Electronic Medical Records
HL Xian Zeng, Zheng Jia, Zhiqiang He, Weihong Chen, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan
International Journal of Medical Informatics 124 (2019), 97-103, 2019
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Articles 1–20