Enrico Maria Piras
Enrico Maria Piras
Fondazione Bruno Kessler; University of Verona
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Clinical self-tracking and monitoring technologies: negotiations in the ICT-mediated patient–provider relationship
EM Piras, F Miele
Health Sociology Review 26 (1), 38-53, 2017
Data work in healthcare: An Introduction
C Bossen, KH Pine, F Cabitza, G Ellingsen, EM Piras
Health informatics journal 25 (3), 465-474, 2019
Prescriptions, x-rays and grocery lists. Designing a Personal Health Record to support (the invisible work of) health information management in the household
EM Piras, A Zanutto
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 19, 585-613, 2010
Creating a whatsapp dataset to study pre-teen cyberbullying
R Sprugnoli, S Menini, S Tonelli, F Oncini, E Piras
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Abusive Language Online (ALW2), 51-59, 2018
Care in practice. On normativity, concepts, and boundaries
A Mol, I Moser, EM Piras, M Turrini, J Pols, A Zanutto
Tecnoscienza: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies 2 (1), 73-86, 2011
Integrating mHealth in oncology: experience in the province of Trento
E Galligioni, EM Piras, M Galvagni, C Eccher, S Caramatti, D Zanolli, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 17 (5), e3743, 2015
On digital intimacy: Redefining provider-patient relationships in remote monitoring
EM Piras, F Miele
Sociology of Health & Illness 41, 116-131, 2019
“One day it will be you who tells us doctors what to do!”. Exploring the “Personal” of PHR in paediatric diabetes management
EM Piras, A Zanutto
Information Technology & People 27 (4), 2014
School Interventions for Bullying–Cyberbullying Prevention in Adolescents: Insights from the UPRIGHT and CREEP Projects
S Gabrielli, S Rizzi, S Carbone, EM Piras
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (21), 11697, 2021
The Consequences of Type 1 Diabetes Onset On Family Life. An Integrative Review
S Fornasini, F Miele, EM Piras
Journal of Child and Family Studies 29, 1467–1483, 2020
Optimisation and validation of a remote monitoring system (Onco-TreC) for home-based management of oral anticancer therapies: an Italian multicentre feasibility study
A Passardi, M Rizzo, F Maines, C Tondini, A Zambelli, R Vespignani, ...
BMJ open 7 (5), e014617, 2017
The shaping of patient 2.0.-exploring agencies, technologies and discourses in new healthcare practices
P Danholt, EM Piras, C Storni, A Zanutto
Science & Technology Studies 2013, 3-13, 2013
Beyond self-tracking: Exploring and unpacking four emerging labels of patient data work.
EM Piras
Health informatics journal, 1460458219833121-1460458219833121, 2019
Electronic Medical Record–Assisted Telephone Follow-Up of Breast Cancer Survivors During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Single Institution Experience
V Merz, A Ferro, EM Piras, A Zanutto, O Caffo, C Messina
JCO oncology practice 17 (1), e44-e52, 2021
TreC–a REST-based Regional PHR
C Eccher, EM Piras, M Stenico
User Centred Networked Health Care, 108-112, 2011
Using a mobile app to manage type 1 diabetes: The case of TreC diabetes
F Miele, C Eccher, EM Piras
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Digital Health 2015, 113-114, 2015
Introduction to the special issue on ‘information infrastructures in healthcare: governance, quality improvement and service efficiency’
C Bossen, EM Piras
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 29, 381-386, 2020
Prototyping a personal health record taking social and usability perspectives into account
EM Piras, B Purin, M Stenico, S Forti
Electronic Healthcare: Second International ICST Conference, eHealth 2009 …, 2010
Drawings as a link to emotional data – A slippery territory
TS Jensen, J Voigt, EM Piras, BR Thorsen
The Handbook of Experiential Learning & Management Education, 345-360, 2007
Implementation of tele visit healthcare services triggered by the COVID-19 emergency: the Trentino Province experience
S Testa, O Mayora-Ibarra, EM Piras, O Balagna, S Micocci, A Zanutto, ...
Journal of Public Health 30 (1), 77-92, 2022
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Articles 1–20