Mohammad Miralinaghi
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Cited by
Refueling station location problem with traffic deviation considering route choice and demand uncertainty
M Miralinaghi, Y Lou, BB Keskin, A Zarrinmehr, R Shabanpour
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (5), 3335-3351, 2017
Capacitated Refueling Station Location Problem with Traffic Deviations Over Multiple Time Periods
M Miralinaghi, BB Keskin, Y Lou, AM Roshandeh
Networks and Spatial Economics 17 (1), 129–151, 2017
Multi-period equilibrium modeling planning framework for tradable credit schemes
M Miralinaghi, S Peeta
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 93, 177-198, 2016
Promoting zero-emissions vehicles using robust multi-period tradable credit scheme
M Miralinaghi, S Peeta
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 75, 265-285, 2019
Joint discrete-continuous model of travel mode and departure time choices
R Shabanpour, N Golshani, S Derrible, A Mohammadian, M Miralinaghi
Transportation Research Record 2669 (1), 41-51, 2017
Promoting Autonomous Vehicles using Travel Demand and Lane Management Strategies
S Esmaeilzadeh Seilabi, M Tarighat Tabesh, A Davatgari, M Miralinaghi, ...
Frontiers in Built Environment 6, 156, 2020
Managing morning commute congestion with a tradable credit scheme under commuter heterogeneity and market loss aversion behavior
M Miralinaghi, S Peeta, X He, SV Ukkusuri
Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics 7 (1), 1780-1808, 2019
Network‐level scheduling of road construction projects considering user and business impacts
M Miralinaghi, W Woldemariam, DM Abraham, S Chen, S Labi, Z Chen
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 1-18, 2020
Multiclass fuzzy user equilibrium with endogenous membership functions and risk-taking behaviors
M Miralinaghi, Y Lou, YT Hsu, R Shabanpour, Y Shafahi
Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2016
Development and testing of an image transformer for explainable autonomous driving systems
J Dong, S Chen, M Miralinaghi, T Chen, S Labi
Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles 5 (3), 235-249, 2022
Optimizing the selection and scheduling of multi-class projects using a Stackelberg framework
M Miralinaghi, SE Seilabi, S Chen, YT Hsu, S Labi
European Journal of Operational Research 286 (2), 508-522, 2020
Investigating the applicability of ADAPTS activity-based model in air quality analysis
R Shabanpour, M Javanmardi, M Fasihozaman, M Miralinaghi, ...
Travel Behaviour and Society 12, 130-140, 2018
Why did the AI make that decision? Towards an explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) for autonomous driving systems
J Dong, S Chen, M Miralinaghi, T Chen, P Li, S Labi
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 156, 104358, 2023
Methodology for analyzing the trade‐offs associated with multi‐objective optimization in transportation asset management under uncertainty
Q Bai, M Miralinaghi, S Labi, KC Sinha
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 36 (4), 381-401, 2021
Designing a network of electric charging stations to mitigate vehicle emissions
M Miralinaghi, GH de Almeida Correia, SE Seilabi, S Labi
2020 Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems (FISTS), 95-100, 2020
Contract bundling considerations in urban road project scheduling
M Miralinaghi, A Davatgari, SE Seilabi, S Labi
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 37 (4), 427-450, 2022
A multi-period tradable credit scheme incorporating interest rate and traveler value-of-time heterogeneity to manage traffic system emissions
M Miralinaghi, S Peeta
Frontiers in Built Environment 4, 33, 2018
Design of a multiperiod tradable credit scheme under vehicular emissions caps and traveler heterogeneity in future credit price perception
M Miralinaghi, S Peeta
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 26 (3), 04020030, 2020
Robust design of electric charging infrastructure locations under travel demand uncertainty and driving range heterogeneity
M Pourgholamali, G Homem de Almeida Correia, M Tarighati Tabesh, ...
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 29 (2), 04023016, 2023
A fuzzy network assignment model based on user equilibrium condition
M Miralinaghi, Y Shafahi, R Shabanpour Anbarani
Scientia Iranica 22 (6), 2012-2023, 2015
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Articles 1–20