Mikyoung Lim
Mikyoung Lim
Professor, KAIST
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Mathematical and statistical methods for multistatic imaging
H Ammari, J Garnier, W Jing, H Kang, M Lim, K Sølna, H Wang
Springer 2098, xviii+ 361, 2013
Gradient estimates for solutions to the conductivity problem
H Ammari, H Kang, M Lim
Mathematische Annalen 332, 277-286, 2005
Enhancement of near cloaking using generalized polarization tensors vanishing structures. Part I: The conductivity problem
H Ammari, H Kang, H Lee, M Lim
Communications in Mathematical Physics 317 (1), 253-266, 2013
Enhancement of near-cloaking. Part II: The Helmholtz equation
H Ammari, H Kang, H Lee, M Lim
Communications in Mathematical Physics 317 (2), 485-502, 2013
Optimal estimates for the electric field in two dimensions
H Ammari, H Kang, H Lee, J Lee, M Lim
Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées 88 (4), 307-324, 2007
Asymptotics and computation of the solution to the conductivity equation in the presence of adjacent inclusions with extreme conductivities
H Kang, M Lim, KH Yun
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 99 (2), 234-249, 2013
Blow-up of electric fields between closely spaced spherical perfect conductors
M Lim, K Yun
Communications in Partial Differential Equations 34 (10), 1287-1315, 2009
Multistatic imaging of extended targets
H Ammari, J Garnier, H Kang, M Lim, K Sølna
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 5 (2), 564-600, 2012
Enhancement of near cloaking for the full Maxwell equations
H Ammari, H Kang, H Lee, M Lim, S Yu
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 73 (6), 2055-2076, 2013
Characterization of the electric field concentration between two adjacent spherical perfect conductors
H Kang, M Lim, KH Yun
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 74 (1), 125-146, 2014
Reconstruction of closely spaced small inclusions
H Ammari, H Kang, E Kim, M Lim
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 42 (6), 2408-2428, 2005
The generalized polarization tensors for resolved imaging. Part I: Shape reconstruction of a conductivity inclusion
H Ammari, H Kang, M Lim, H Zribi
Mathematics of Computation 81 (277), 367-386, 2012
Generalized polarization tensors for shape description
H Ammari, J Garnier, H Kang, M Lim, S Yu
Numerische Mathematik 126 (2), 199-224, 2014
Decomposition theorems and fine estimates for electrical fields in the presence of closely located circular inclusions
H Ammari, H Kang, H Lee, M Lim, H Zribi
Journal of Differential Equations 247 (11), 2897-2912, 2009
Conductivity interface problems. Part I: small perturbations of an interface
H Ammari, H Kang, M Lim, H Zribi
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 362 (5), 2435-2449, 2010
Spectral resolution of the Neumann–Poincaré operator on intersecting disks and analysis of plasmon resonance
H Kang, M Lim, S Yu
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 1-33, 2017
Enhancement of near-cloaking. Part III: Numerical simulations, statistical stability, and related questions
H Ammari, J Garnier, V Jugnon, H Kang, H Lee, M Lim
Contemporary Mathematics 577, 1-24, 2012
Reconstruction of small interface changes of an inclusion from modal measurements II: The elastic case
H Ammari, E Beretta, E Francini, H Kang, M Lim
Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées 94 (3), 322-339, 2010
Classification of spectra of the Neumann–Poincaré operator on planar domains with corners by resonance
J Helsing, H Kang, M Lim
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C 34 (4), 991-1011, 2017
Effective parameters of elastic composites
H Ammari, H Kang, M Lim
Indiana University mathematics journal, 903-922, 2006
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Articles 1–20