Joseph McCahery
Cited by
Cited by
Behind the scenes: The corporate governance preferences of institutional investors
JA McCahery, Z Sautner, LT Starks
The Journal of Finance 71 (6), 2905-2932, 2016
Comparative corporate governance and the theory of the firm: the case against global cross reference
WW Bratton, JA McCahery
Colum. J. Transnat'l L. 38, 213, 1999
Corporate governance regimes: convergence and diversity
J McCahery
Oxford University Press, USA, 2002
The end of ‘corporate’governance: Hello ‘platform’governance
M Fenwick, JA McCahery, EPM Vermeulen
European Business Organization Law Review 20, 171-199, 2019
Regulatory Competiton, Regulatory Capture, and Corporate Self-Regulation
WW Bratton, JA McCahery
NCL Rev. 73, 1861, 1994
Corporate governance of non-listed companies
JA McCahery, EPM Vermeulen
Oxford University Press, 2010
ESG performance and disclosure: A cross-country analysis
F Lopez-de-Silanes, JA McCahery, PC Pudschedl
Singapore Journal of Legal Studies, 217-241, 2020
The financing of small and medium-sized enterprises: an analysis of the financing gap in Brazil
M Godke Veiga, JA McCahery
European Business Organization Law Review 20 (4), 633-664, 2019
After Enron: improving corporate law and modernising securities regulation in Europe and the US
J Armour, JA McCahery
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2006
The Equilibrium Content of Corporate Federalism
WW Bratton, JA McCahery
Wake Forest L. Rev. 41, 619, 2006
How does corporate mobility affect lawmaking? A comparative analysis
WW Bratton, JA McCahery, EPM Vermeulen
The American Journal of Comparative Law 57 (2), 347-385, 2009
Fintech and the financing of entrepreneurs: From crowdfunding to marketplace lending
M Fenwick, JA McCahery, EPM Vermeulen
TILEC Discussion Paper, 2017
Does the European Company Prevent the ‘Delaware Effect’?
JA McCahery, EPM Vermeulen
European law journal 11 (6), 785-801, 2005
International regulatory competition and coordination: perspectives on economic regulation in Europe and the United States
W Bratton, J McCahery, S Picciotto, C Scott
Oxford University Press, 1997
Bank reputation in the private debt market
J McCahery, A Schwienbacher
Journal of Corporate Finance 16 (4), 498-515, 2010
Tax coordination and tax competition in the European Union: evaluating the code of conduct on business taxation
WW Bratton, JA McCahery
Common Market Law Review 38 (3), 2001
The economics of the proposed European takeover directive
JA McCahery
CEPS, 2003
Will the world ever be the same after COVID-19? Two lessons from the first global crisis of a digital age
M Fenwick, JA McCahery, EPM Vermeulen
European Business Organization Law Review 22, 125-145, 2021
An inquiry into the efficiency of the limited liability company: of theory of the firm and regulatory competition
WW Bratton, JA McCahery
Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 54, 629, 1997
Company and takeover law reforms in Europe: misguided harmonization efforts or regulatory competition?
G Hertig, JA McCahery
European Business Organization Law Review (EBOR) 4 (2), 179-211, 2003
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Articles 1–20