Crystal E. Garcia
Cited by
Cited by
Academic advising and the persistence intentions of community college students in their first weeks in college
DK Hatch, CE Garcia
The Review of Higher Education 40 (3), 353-390, 2017
Belonging in a predominantly White institution: The role of membership in Latina/o sororities and fraternities.
CE Garcia
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 13 (2), 181, 2020
Best laid plans: How community college student success courses work
DK Hatch, N Mardock-Uman, CE Garcia, M Johnson
Community College Review 46 (2), 115-144, 2018
" They don't even know that we exist": Exploring sense of belonging within sorority and fraternity communities for Latina/o members
CE Garcia
Journal of College Student Development 60 (3), 319-336, 2019
The role of an online first-year seminar in higher education doctoral students' scholarly development
CE Garcia, CW Yao
The Internet and Higher Education 42, 44-52, 2019
Variation within the “New Latino Diaspora” a decade of changes across the United States in the equitable participation of Latina/os in higher education
DK Hatch, N Mardock Uman, CE Garcia
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education 15 (4), 358-385, 2016
Institutional responses to events challenging campus climates: Examining the power in language.
CE Garcia, B Arnberg, J Weise, M Winborn
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 13 (4), 345, 2020
“In my letters, but I was still by myself”: Highlighting the experiences of Queer Men of Color in culturally based fraternities.
CE Garcia, A Duran
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 14 (2), 228, 2021
Aligning student affairs practice with espoused commitments to equity, diversity, and inclusion
CE Garcia, W Walker, D Morgan, Y Shi
Journal of College Student Development 62 (2), 137-153, 2021
The road to researcher: The development of research self-efficacy in higher education scholars
E Niehaus, C Garcia, JN Reading
Exploring integrative learning in service-based alternative breaks
E Niehaus, C Holder, M Rivera, CE Garcia, TC Woodman, J Dierberger
The Journal of Higher Education 88 (6), 922-946, 2017
Latino men in two-year public colleges: State-level enrollment changes and equity trends over the last decade
DK Hatch, CE Garcia, VB Sáenz
Journal of Applied Research in the Community College 23 (2), 73-92, 2016
Race and privilege in fraternity and sorority life: Considerations for practice and research
CE Garcia, ZE Shirley
Foundations, research, and assessment of fraternities and sororities …, 2019
Latinx college student sense of belonging: The role of campus subcultures
CE Garcia
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2017
Quaring sorority life: Identity negotiation of queer women of color in culturally based sororities
A Duran, CE Garcia
Journal of College Student Development 62 (2), 186-202, 2021
International students in their own country: Motivation of Vietnamese graduate students to attend a collaborative transnational university
CW Yao, CE Garcia
What works: Learning outcomes due to design variations in community college student success courses
DK Hatch-Tocaimaza, CE Garcia, N Mardock-Uman, SL Rodriguez, ...
Teachers College Record 121 (7), 1-46, 2019
How campus space becomes white place: Advancing a spatial analysis of whiteness in higher education
A Duran, Z Foste, CE Garcia, JT Snipes
Journal of College Student Development 63 (6), 611-625, 2022
Climates for ethnic and racial diversity: Latina/o sorority and fraternity member perspectives
CE Garcia
Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice 57 (3), 237-252, 2020
English as lingua franca: Exploring the challenges and opportunities of English language on Vietnamese graduate student learning
CW Yao, CE Garcia, C Collins
Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education 4, 209-225, 2019
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Articles 1–20