Xiaoxiao Shi
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Cited by
Transfer learning on heterogenous feature spaces via spectral transformation
X Shi, Q Liu, W Fan, SY Philip, R Zhu
2010 IEEE international conference on data mining, 1049-1054, 2010
Actively transfer domain knowledge
X Shi, W Fan, J Ren
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2008
Clustering on multiple incomplete datasets via collective kernel learning
W Shao, X Shi, SY Philip
2013 IEEE 13th international conference on data mining, 1181-1186, 2013
Multi-label collective classification
X Kong, X Shi, PS Yu
Proceedings of the 2011 SIAM international conference on data mining, 618-629, 2011
Transfer across completely different feature spaces via spectral embedding
X Shi, Q Liu, W Fan, SY Philip
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 25 (4), 906-918, 2011
Efficient semi-supervised spectral co-clustering with constraints
X Shi, W Fan, SY Philip
2010 IEEE International conference on data mining, 1043-1048, 2010
Type independent correction of sample selection bias via structural discovery and re-balancing
J Ren, X Shi, W Fan, PS Yu
Proceedings of the 2008 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 565-576, 2008
Collective prediction with latent graphs
X Shi, Y Li, P Yu
Proceedings of the 20th ACM international conference on Information and …, 2011
Mechanochemical Synthesis of Phosphazane‐Based Frameworks
Y Sim, YX Shi, R Ganguly, Y Li, F García
Chemistry–A European Journal 23 (47), 11279-11285, 2017
Synthesis and Hydrolytic Studies on the Air-Stable [(4-CN-PhO)(E)P(μ-NtBu)]2 (E = O, S, and Se) Cyclodiphosphazanes
YX Shi, RZ Liang, KA Martin, N Weston, S Gonzalez-Calera, R Ganguly, ...
Inorganic Chemistry 54 (13), 6423-6432, 2015
Learning from heterogeneous sources via gradient boosting consensus
X Shi, JF Paiement, D Grangier, PS Yu
Proceedings of the 2012 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 224-235, 2012
Predictive modeling with heterogeneous sources
X Shi, Q Liu, W Fan, Q Yang, PS Yu
Proceedings of the 2010 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 814-825, 2010
Magnet community identification on social networks
G Wang, Y Zhao, X Shi, PS Yu
Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2012
Steric C–N bond activation on the dimeric macrocycle [{P (μ-NR)} 2 (μ-NR)] 2
YX Shi, RZ Liang, KA Martin, DG Star, J Díaz, XY Li, R Ganguly, F García
Chemical Communications 51 (92), 16468-16471, 2015
Relaxed transfer of different classes via spectral partition
X Shi, W Fan, Q Yang, J Ren
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2009
Individualized survival and treatment response predictions for breast cancers using phospho-EGFR, phospho-ER, phospho-HER2/neu, phospho-IGF-IR/In, phospho-MAPK, and phospho …
L Guo, J Abraham, DC Flynn, V Castranova, X Shi, Y Qian
The International journal of biological markers 22 (1), 1-11, 2007
Limitations of matrix completion via trace norm minimization
X Shi, PS Yu
ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter 12 (2), 16-20, 2011
Synthesis of unique phosphazane macrocycles via steric activation of C–N bonds
YX Shi, KA Martin, RZ Liang, DG Star, Y Li, R Ganguly, Y Sim, D Tan, ...
Inorganic Chemistry 57 (17), 10993-11004, 2018
基于远程参数控制的 DCT 关键零部件道路模拟试验
邹喜红, 谯凯, 石晓辉, 余勇, 易鹏
中国机械工程 24 (11), 1537-1541, 2013
曹爱军, 史杏荣, 孙贞寿, 梅建华
中国图象图形学报: A 辑 5 (2), 149-152, 2000
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